真理報—美東版 Truth Monthly
by Admin · December 29, 2023
筆者在2023年10月27日曾參加了一個聖經古蹟進深考察團,共有27名團員。行程由希臘的雅典啟程,經過使徒保羅宣教的城市到土耳其,參觀聖經啟示錄記載的七個教會,共24站,前後共歷時13日。在第一日雅典旅程結束後,大部分團員們帶著疲憊的身軀回到酒店休息,但精神奕奕的我仍繼續與三位團員步行到附近一間著名的雅典國家考古博物館(National Archaeological Museum of Athens)參觀。
在許牧師敲著博物館的大門時,我在博物館的周圍尋找職員的停車場,希望能夠遇見延遲下班的員工。雖然我最後找到了停車場,但停車場卻空無一人。 在絕望之際,我的眼前出現了一隻希臘夜貓!
感謝上帝!雖然沒有人給我們開門,但是大樓內的管理員明白了我們的困難,他打電話聯絡那位有博物館大門鑰匙的人。我們在門前安靜地禱告等候,聽著樓內的人用希臘語交談約半小時後,告知我們要再等一小時,吩咐我們在9點半準時到博物館的大門前取回背包!我與許牧師興奮地回到酒店吃晚餐,然後在9點半前又回到博物館,憑著信心與盼望等候這巨大的門再次被打開。在那短短的時刻中,仿佛漫長的黑夜!腦海裏所浮現的盡都是懷疑與憂慮,萬一那開門的人不回來怎麼辦? 許牧師在沒有護照的情況下要如何繼續明天的行程呢? 我是否要先離團陪著許牧師拿到護照後,再想辦法與團員們會合呢?……這許多的問題只有一個最好的解決辦法,就是禱告:「主啊!求祢為我們開門吧!」(信徒警醒等候主再來也是如此!)
感謝主!終於,博物館的大門在9點半為我們打開了,一位中年希臘管理員把背包拿出來給許牧師看,又把護照拿出來對照。正當許牧師高興地要把背包與護照拿回去時,那管理員突然又把背包收回了。因為我們語言不通,我這時非常緊張地拿出我的證件與門票給他看,許牧師也不知道到底該如何才能夠說服他。這時候我突然想起一個關鍵的東西:「博物館所派發的籌碼」,沒有這個籌碼就沒有可信的憑據。我立刻告訴許牧師趕快把身上的籌碼找出來給管理員,這才拿回了背包與護照,終於解決了我們的困境! 許牧師見證說:「感謝神!讓我遇見了身邊這個倒霉的人(筆者),這個倒霉的人正因為曾經遇到過許多倒霉的事情而得到了神的智慧,使我今天遇到如此倒霉事後也能夠靠著這位「倒霉」的好朋友得到解救!」是的,人生免不了會遭遇各種倒霉的事情,但是只要有信心依靠上帝的智慧與力量,就能夠化倒霉為祝福!
這件事情讓我深深體會到神的引導與保守,祂藉著這事件讓世人看見天堂的門必須憑著信心才能夠打開,那位拿著天門鑰匙的人就是主耶穌基督!祂說:「 我是首先的、我是末後的、又是那存活的。我曾死過、現在又活了、直活到永永遠遠。並且拿著死亡和陰間的鑰匙。」(啟示錄 1:17~18)凡相信耶穌基督的人都會得到一個「永生的籌碼」,就是「聖靈的印記與憑據」,正如聖經所說:「你們既聽見真理的道、就是那叫你們得救的福音 、也信了基督 、既然信祂、就受了所應許的聖靈 為印記。這聖靈 、是我們得基業的憑據、直等到神之民被贖、使祂的榮耀得著稱讚。」(以弗所書 1:13~14)
各位親愛的朋友們,我們在世上旅遊必須靠著護照才能夠通行,博物館的管理員必須憑著籌碼才能歸還背包,已經關閉的博物館大門必須藉著朋友的幫助與夜貓引路才能夠打開,同樣地,我們的靈魂在靈界裏也必須要有「天國的護照」才能夠通行,要獲得這個護照就必須相信耶穌基督,得到「聖靈的籌碼」,沒有籌碼就拿不到護照!那天堂的大門必須靠著耶穌基督的名,在神的恩典下才能夠打開。親愛的朋友們,您是否獲得了屬天的護照與籌碼呢? 天門是向您打開還是向您關閉呢?但願讀者們能夠體會落難者的困境,趁早認識耶穌基督的救恩,好在今世經歷神的同在,在永世進入榮美的天堂!
by Admin · December 1, 2023
當神創造人的時候,祂在人的鼻孔裏吹了一口靈氣,使人不但有了生命的氣息,還擁有了一個永恆的靈魂。人能夠憑著自我的意識做出自由的選擇,但是人必須承擔一切自由選擇的後果,所以神吩咐人類的始祖,就是第一個人:亞當。要小心選擇正確的果實來做維持生命的食物,神允許他自由地選擇各樣的果子,「只是分別善惡樹上的果子,你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死!」(創世記 2:17)這是一個生命的選擇,也是一個死亡的選擇,是一個生死的命令,也是一條生死的律法!這是神對人的教育基礎,是善惡分明的智慧開端,是決定人類未來命運存亡的重大選擇,因為亞當一個人的選擇將決定人類未來歷史的軌跡與模型。他若選擇了聽從神的話,人類歷史的結果將是平安、喜樂、美麗、智慧、能力、榮耀與長生不死,他若選擇悖逆神,則結果就是戰爭、痛苦、悲傷、仇恨、恐懼、兇殺與死亡!亞當做出了哪一個選擇呢?
雖然我們沒有看見亞當在起初是如何的選擇,但是我們從人類過去的歷史與現今世界所發生的事情,就可以知道亞當一定是選擇了悖逆神,因為人人都要面對死亡的結局,並且這個世界也因此充滿了罪惡與苦難。我們不但承受了從亞當錯誤選擇而來的後果,更承受了從亞當遺傳下來的犯罪基因,因而持續不斷地做出錯誤的選擇,製造出無數的悲劇,使得沒有一個世代的人能夠享受到真正和平與喜樂!我們或許會問:「為什麼亞當會如此愚蠢地做出了悖逆神,且帶來死亡的選擇呢?」答案就在聖經裡:「這就如罪是從一人入了世界,死又是從罪來的;於是死就臨到眾人,因為眾人都犯了罪。」(羅馬書 5:12)罪是如何入了這個世界的呢?聖經說:「私慾既懷了胎,就生出罪來;罪既長成,就生出死來。」(雅各書 1:15)聖經曾記載亞當的妻子在魔鬼的試探之下吃了禁果,亞當也隨著妻子做了錯誤的選擇,私慾的種子從魔鬼那裡藉著夏娃懷胎,在亞當的名下生出驕傲背逆的罪來,這罪既長成,就生出了死來!
今天在這個世界上一切罪惡的根源都是從魔鬼而來的,牠不斷地將邪惡的種子撒在人心之中,又不斷地尋找邪惡的代理人,繼續用各種肉慾把人的靈魂綑綁在邪惡的罪中,結果把神所創造的美好世界變成了可怕的人間地獄。神在起初創造了美麗的生命,但是人卻選擇了醜陋的死亡!當人類順從慾而選擇自私、詭詐、仇恨與暴力的時候,苦難與死亡必在世代中循環不息。但是神並沒有因人類的犯罪而遺棄世人,祂不斷地把智慧、良善、公義與慈愛的種子撒在人間,透過歷代眾多的智慧人來引導人走在光明正道之中,最後藉著祂的獨生子耶穌基督的降生,向世人宣告說:「日期滿了,神的國近了。你們當悔改,信福音!」(馬可福音 1:15)祂向人類宣告人要認罪悔改,彼此饒恕與彼此相愛,然而祂自己的同胞並不接受祂的教導,不承認祂就是神的兒子,更不願意與外邦人彼此和睦,甚至最終把耶穌釘死在十字架上。這再次顯明了人性的墮落,寧願選擇黑暗的死亡,也不要選擇悔改,藉著信靠基督而得著光明的生命。於是神叫耶穌從死裡復活,以大能顯明祂就是神,使所有願意選擇認罪悔改的人,都能夠因相信耶穌基督而得到永生!
God’s Creation of Life & Man’s Choice of Death
by Admin · December 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
Every person in this world has the freedom to choose; however, this personal freedom is limited and conditional. We all can choose what we like and how we do things, when it is bound by the situation or legal constraints. For example, children cannot just take whatever or play wherever they desire; they must obey their guardians and be subject to discipline, teaching, and self-regulation. This is why every child needs to receive the right kind of upbringing and education to teach them to make sound choices.
When God made man with a breath of life, it not only awakened the man but also gave an eternal spirit. Man can act on his will and but must accept the consequences of his choices. Thus when God instructed Adam, the first man He created, to choose the right fruit to sustain his life, God allowed him to choose whatever fruit he desired, with the exception of one tree: “… you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:17). This is a choice of life or death, a commandment and law that determines which path one leads. This is the foundation of man’s upbringing, that wisdom is having the discernment between good and evil. If he chooses good, then subsequently the fruits of human history would result in peace, joy, beauty, wisdom, power, glory, and eternity. If he chooses evil, then war, pain, fear, and death will come about. Which did Adam choose?
Even though we did not see how Adam chose, as evident in our ancient history to the present time, Adam chose death, because death is what every human being will ultimately face. This permitted sin and suffering to enter the world, and we cannot bear the consequences of this. We also inherited the sinful nature that started with Adam, as we humans continue to make mistakes that lead to tragedies, robbing us of true peace and joy!
We might ask, “Why did Adam so foolishly make the choice of death?” The answer is found in the Bible: “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12). Well, how did sin enter the world? “Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death” (James 1:15). The Bible also recorded that Adam’s wife Eve was tempted by the devil to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. That led to Adam making the wrong choice, and seeds of selfishness were planted into the human hearts, in every descendent of Adam and Eve.
The root of all evil comes from Satan. He continues to use the seeds of evil and plant them in our minds. Satan also uses the weakened flesh to tempt and continue to sow seeds of discontent in the human race. God made the beautiful and bountiful Eden, but sin caused this beautiful world to deteriorate. When man follows his own desires and chooses selfishness, it perpetuates the cycles of death and suffering. God did not abandon man because of his sin; He continues to use wisdom, goodness, righteousness, and love and plant their seeds among the human race. In Mark 1:15, it states, “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” God said that the only hope for the human race is to forgive and love one another. But even Jesus’ own disciples did not accept his teaching and would rather choose darkness and death. Thus God raised Jesus from the dead and gave one alternative to everyone: eternal life through Jesus Christ.
This world’s suffering and pain did not originate from God’s design. He created life but man chose death. God sacrificed his Son Jesus Christ so we can have a second chance. The decision this time will bring a tremendous impact on your present life and eternity. Are you willing to accept Jesus Christ and receive eternal life? If so, please say this prayer with me, “Dear Eternal and the Only True God, in a world filled with hatred and violence, where right and wrong are muddled and truth is relative, only Your Word is the lamp in the darkness. I’m willing to lay down my presumptions to accept Jesus Christ’s love and forgive everyone who has wronged me. I will choose eternal life and I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
Author: Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · October 1, 2023
世界上有無數偉大的書,但是唯有聖經才是天下第一大奇書,除了古代的手抄本與譯本最多以外,其作者人數眾多,成書時間超過千年。這本由古希伯來文寫成的三十九卷舊約全書,與希臘文的二十七卷新約全書所合成的經書,共有六十六卷。原本的聖經是沒有章節的,直到1560年所出版的「日內瓦聖經」(Geneva Bile)才是第一本含有章節的英文聖經。到了1782年所出版的(Robert Aitken’s Bible)首次將英國詹姆士王在1611年的欽定本聖經(King James Bible)在美國獨立戰爭後廣泛發行,所以又被稱為「革命聖經」(The Bible of the Revolution)。它共有1189 章,31102節,過了兩百四十年後的今天,雖然已經出版了無數的英譯本聖經,但是在這本古老的英語版本聖經中卻隱藏了大量驚人的統計數字!最近由Brandon Peterson 布蘭登·彼得森先生運用電腦的統計工具,發現了英文聖經隱藏在統計數字中的奇蹟,他根據這本英譯本的章節所計算出來的數字,發現了以下令人感到驚訝又不可思議的結果:
聖經中出現“Jesus Christ”「耶穌基督」共有 196 次,196=2x2x7x7=(1+2+3+4+5+6+7)x7;所出現的章數共有147章,147=(7+7+7)x7。
聖經第一卷書《創世記》中所有“A”字母開頭的字有 7674個,聖經最後一卷書《啟示錄》中所有“Z”字母開頭的字有 103個,“A”+“Z” =7674+103 =7777。“A”是英文的第一個字母,“Z”是英文的最後一個字母,7 是一個完全的數字,頭一個字母代表首先的,最後一個字母代表末後的,出現總數正是 7777 非常完美精確!這些統計數字再次證明耶穌在聖經最後一章的話說:「看哪,我必快來!賞罰在我,要照各人所行的報應他。我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是首先的,我是末後的;我是初,我是終。」(啟示錄 22:12~13)
聖經第一卷書《創世記》中所有“I”「我」出現651次,聖經最後一卷書《啟示錄》中所有“come”「來」出現126次,“I”+“come” =651+126=777。耶穌第一次開口說話的記錄是在聖經路加福音第二章49節,49=7×7。
「耶穌說:『為甚麼找我呢?豈不知我應當以我父的事為念麼?』」(路加福音 2:49)這裡的第一句話有7個英文字:“How is it that ye sought me?”共有 21 個字母 =7+7+7。
在同一卷書裏記載耶穌說的最後一句話是第二十四章的第49節,49=7×7。「我要將我父所應許的降在你們身上,你們要在城裏等候,直到你們領受從上頭來的能力。」(路加福音24:49)這裡的最後一句話有28個英文字 =7+7+7+7 :”And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high”共有105個字母 =(7×7)+(7×7)+7。
耶穌在《路加福音》最後一章總共說了210個字 =70+70+70。
耶穌在《路加福音》中提到“Father”「父」共有21次 =7+7+7 。在第一次提到“Father”「父」的“F”字母正好是第49個字母=7×7 ! 在最後一次提到”Father”「父」的“F”字母,正好是從耶穌所說的最後一句話倒數的第77個字母!
《路加福音》又記載從第一個人亞當到耶穌共有77代 (路3:23~38)。以上的發現只是冰山一角,詳細資料請參考《Sealed By The King》by Brandon Peterson。作者還發現聖經的總節數:31102節 =7774+7775+7776+7777(“Scientifically Verifiable Proof That God Wrote The Bible”)。(注一)
Hidden Numbers in the Bible & the Wisdom of the Almighty
by Admin · October 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
There are countless great works of literature in the world, but only the Bible is the foremost book of wonder. Not only are there ancient manuscripts of it and hold the records of having the most translations, but also there are numerous authors to the Bible as well. It has been written over a thousand years, containing a total of 66 books, with 39 books in the Old Testament written in Hebrew and 27 books written in Greek in the New Testament. Surprisingly the Bible initially did not have chapters or verses, not until 1560 when the Geneva Bible was published as the first English Bible with chapters and verses. In 1782, Robert Aitken’s Bible published the King James Bible (written in 1611) for the first time in the thirteen colonies after the U.S. gained independence from the British, coining this bible as “The Bible of the Revolution”. This translation has 1189 chapters and 31102 verses. After nearly 240 years to this present day, even though countless English translations have resulted, the King James Bible has many numerical coincidences and patterns that would amaze readers. Recently Brandon Peterson used computer statistical tools to calculate amazing patterns and results:
In the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, the first chapter has 343 words spoken by God, 343 = 7x7x7.
In the first book of the New Testament, the gospel of Matthew, the first chapter has 49 words spoken by God, 49=7×7.
The first word in the Bible, “In” appears in the book of Genesis 767 times. The last word in the Bible, “Amen” appears 10 times in the last book (Revelation 22:21). When you add these numbers together, 767+10=777.
The word “Amen” appears 77 times in the Bible.
The seventh word in the Bible is “Heaven”; the seventh to the last word of the Bible is “Jesus”. “Heaven” appears 582 times while “Jesus” appears 973 times, 582 + 973 = 777 +777.
The Bible has 49 verses that contain both ‘Heaven’ and ‘Jesus’, 49=7×7.
The seventh word in the New Testament is “Jesus”. The same word appears in the seventh to the last word in the book of Revelation.’’
“Jesus Christ” appears 196 times in the Bible. 196= 2x2x7x7= (1+2+3+4+5+6+7)x7
That term appears in 147 chapters, 147=(7+7+7)x7.
The number of words that begin with the letter “a” in the book of Genesis, the Bible’s first book, is 7674. In the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, the number of words that begin with the letter ‘z’ is 103. “a” + “z” = 7674 + 103 = 7777. The letter “a” is the first letter of the alphabet, and “z” is the last letter. 7 is a perfect or complete number in the Bible. The beginning and the end together results in completion or perfection. This amazing numerical fact shows how the last verse in the entire Bible is true, “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Revelation 22:12-13).
In the book of Genesis, the word “I” appears 651 times. In the book of Revelation, the word “come” appears 126 times. “I” + “come” = 651 + 126 = 777. The first record of Jesus’ spoken words were recorded in the gospel of Luke 2:49, “‘Why were you searching for me?’” he asked. ‘And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?’” So, 49 = 7×7. His first sentence is: “How is it that ye sought me” contains 7 English words or 21 letters (7 + 7 + 7). In the same book of Luke, Jesus’ last utterance is in 24:49 (49 = 7 x 7) “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). This statement contains 28 words ( 7 + 7 + 7 + 7) or 105 letters (7 x 7) + (7 x 7) + 7
In the last chapter of the gospel of Luke, Jesus spoke a total of 210 words = 70 + 70 + 70. In the gospel of Luke, Jesus also mentioned the word “Father” 21 times = 7 + 7 + 7. The letter ‘F’, when the word “Father” was first mentioned in Luke, is the 49th letter in that book (7 x 7). In the last mention of “Father”, the letter ‘f’ is the 77th letter counting from the end backwards. Luke mentioned that there were 77 generations from Adam to Jesus (Luke 3:23-28). Everything that has been mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg. Referring to Brandon Peterson’s “Sealed By the King”, the total number of bible verses are 31102 = 7774 + 7775 + 7776 + 7777. (“Scientifically Verifiable Proof That God Wrote The Bible”, https://truthischrist.com/pocketgospeltract-verified-with-screenshots)
As we marvel at these amazing numerical calculations, we discover that they are not the results of meticulous planning or collaborations among the various authors and translators. We noticed how it is through the desires of truth seekers with present day modern technology that we can reveal the limitless wisdom hidden within the Bible. This proves how God is truly the Author behind the Bible and its translation. The Bible is a testament of the indisputable existence of an omnipotent and Lord of life: Jesus Christ! These hidden numbers tell us that “the final days of Noah are near!” This is because Noah’s father Lamech died at the age of 777, and five years after his death, the floodwaters engulfed the earth! Dear friends, are you willing to repent and turn to Jesus Christ? If you are, please pray this with me: “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for using this article to open the eyes of my heart, to see the wisdom and authority you behold, and how you are in control of everything. Every Bible verse comes from You. I now commit my life into your hands. Please forgive my transgressions and grant me eternal life! I pray with sincerity in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · September 1, 2023
聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)在7月27日向世界發出警告說:「全球變暖的時代已經結束,全球沸騰的時代已經到來。」(注一)根據《世界氣候歸因組織(WWA)》在7月25日從電腦進行模擬的一項有關天氣數據的分析報告,今年7月的高溫熱度可能是地球12萬年來最熱的時期(注二)。全美超過9000萬人居住在各危險高溫的警報範圍內,義大利、西班牙和希臘已經連續數日出現高溫天氣。希臘的氣溫達到40攝氏度以上,許多旅遊景點都被迫關閉(注三)。根據美國《國家環境預報中心》科學家的測量,本周一(7月3日)是全球有記錄以來最熱的一天。這一天全球平均氣溫達到17.01度(注四)。由於氣候極端變化的影響,大火、颶風、洪水等災難將不斷地在世界各地發生,更令人擔憂的是海洋的升溫,據報導:「英國南極調查局指出,找出當前海洋溫度上升的原因對人類至關重要,NOAA海洋學家強森(Gregory C. Johnson)則指出:「我們要瞭解這是單一的極端高溫,還是令人擔憂的趨勢的開始」,若這種突破圖表的高溫持續,人類除了要面對全球性的氣候災難,還必須研擬新的環保法規。而壞消息是,吸納全球90%熱量的海洋,已連續4年出現破紀錄高溫,今年4月的研究更發現,海洋正在快速升溫中。」(注五)
人類文明發展至今,因人口快速增長與工業急速發展,造成對環境的污染與破壞,導致近年來的氣候異常變化,這已成為有目共睹的事實,但是各國政府並沒有回應科學界的警告,以延緩未來氣候異常變化而引起大災難的來臨,這正表明聖經中有關末世的預言必將應驗:「人被大熱所烤、就褻瀆那有權掌管這些災的神之名、並不悔改將榮耀歸給神。」(啟示錄16:9)聖經指出創造萬有的神擁有掌管災難的主權,並且因著人類的罪惡,人類即使經過兩次世界大戰,天災人禍仍然是有增無減,科學家們雖然頻頻發出末日將臨的呼聲,也沒有減緩毀滅文明的步伐,到了末後的世代,人性的敗壞將變本加厲,如今氣候破紀錄的現象,再次警告世人要回歸到神在起初創世的主權,因為這個敗壞的世代必將如挪亞洪水之前的世代一樣地過去,只是毀滅的途徑不再是大水,乃是可怕的大火,就是聖經所預言:「但主的日子要像賊來到一樣.那日天必大有響聲廢去、有形質的都要被烈火銷化、地和其上的物都要燒盡了。這一切既然都要如此銷化、你們為人該當怎樣聖潔、怎樣敬虔、 但我們照祂的應許、盼望新天新地、有義居在其中。」(彼得後書 3:10~13)
各位親愛的朋友們,我們如今所在的物質世界必將按照聖經的預言在烈火中被毀滅,然後又照神的應許重建一個永恆的世界與國度。我們各人在死後也將進入屬靈的世界,在那裡也有一個可怕的火湖,是歷世歷代以來所有惡人最終的結局,聖經警告我們:「若有人名字沒記在生命冊上、他就被扔在火湖裡。」(啟示錄 20:15)親愛的朋友們,您的名字是否記在生命冊上呢?若是不知道的話,請您現在立刻相信神所差到世上來的耶穌基督,祂為擔當您的罪而被釘死在十字架上,又在第三日從死裏復活,證明自己是掌管生死的救主,凡相信和接受祂的救恩,就能夠得到永生,這樣才能夠在生命冊上永遠留名,您是否相信耶穌基督對您的拯救呢?若是相信的話,請做以下的禱告:「親愛的天父,我感謝祢今日的信息,讓我認識聖經末世的預言與靈魂得救的信仰,我現在打開心門接受耶穌基督成為我的救主,赦免我一生的過犯,把我的名字記在祢的生命冊上,賜給我永生,我這樣誠心的禱告,是奉主耶穌基督的名,阿們!」
Global Boiling: the Call for End Times
by Admin · September 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan -
On July 27th, the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a dire warning: “The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.” According to World Weather Attribution (WWA) which analyzed worldwide weather patterns and statistics, the month of July was possibly the hottest period in Planet Earth’s 120,000 years of history. In the U.S. alone, nearly 1 billion people live in areas at risk of heat advisories; Italy, Spain, and Greece already had consecutive days of excessive heat. The temperature reached upwards to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, forcing many tourist attractions to close. According to the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction, July 3rd, 2023 recorded the hottest average daily air temperature at 17.01° Celsius. Due to the recent weather extremes, disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, and floods have repeatedly appeared in escalation around the world. What is even more worrisome is the rise in the ocean’s temperature and its implications on the future of humankind. Dr. Gregory C. Johnson of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) pointed out that we need to determine if this is an isolated one-time occurrence or the beginning of a worsening trend. If these extreme temperatures persist, we must devise new ways to protect our environment. The bad news is, the oceans absorb 90% of the earth’s heat. The rising ocean temperature has been breaking its own record temperatures for four consecutive years.
Since the advancement of human civilizations, the increase in population along with the rapid industrialization of production, has devastated our environment and led to climate change. Though this is an undeniable fact, governments have not responded to these dire scientific observations. This touches on prophecy as stated in Revelations 16:9, “They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.” According to the Bible, God is the creator of all things, even natural disasters. Due to humankind’s sinful nature, the natural order of God’s creation went awry. Though we have endured two world wars, disasters and catastrophes have not diminished. Scientists have issued repeated warnings for humans to take heed, yet the destruction continues. Likewise, the fall of humanity would become a global phenomenon.
In Noah’s time, the world was destroyed by floods. At endtime, the earth will be burned by horrible fires. Jesus’ second coming would sound just like this: “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:10-13).
According to Revelations 20:15, “Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” Is your name written in the book of life? If you’re not sure, pray this prayer now and accept Jesus Christ as your savior. He was nailed on the cross for our sins, died on the cross, and resurrected on the 3rd day. He can forgive all your sins; you will then have eternal life. Here’s the prayer:
“Dear Lord, thank you for this message and the ability to reconnect with others. I want to accept you into my life and have my name written in the book of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · August 1, 2023
在父親節那天,也是2023年6月18日東部夏令時間上午8點,一部由探險公司海洋之門(OceanGate)的總裁兼創始人史塔克頓‧拉許(Stockton Rush)所設計並親自駕駛的「泰坦號」觀光潛艇,在加拿大紐芬蘭省港口城市的聖約翰斯向東約375海哩處潛入海裏,為要探索那艘在111年前沉沒在海底,一萬三千英呎、號稱「永不沉沒」的巨輪「鐵達尼號」。這次登艇的四名乘客都是億萬富翁,每位船票為25萬美金,但是他們卻沒想到,這次的探險之旅竟然是一次不歸的「死亡之旅」,他們的觀光潛艇在潛入海中的105分鐘之後就失去音訊,如今已證實該潛艇在當時發生了「內爆」(implosion),五人都已不幸身亡。
有媒體立刻將這次「泰坦號」(Titan)意外事件與1912年的「鐵達尼號」(Titanic)沉船事件做了類似的對比,除了名稱類似之外,駕駛者都是極具自信而冒險的「富翁領航者」,但是令人感到驚悚的是:「身在現代科技文明下的聰明人並沒有從歷史的悲劇中吸取教訓,以便阻止下一個悲劇的發生!」哈佛大學海洋學家彼得‧吉爾吉斯(Peter Girguis)認為:「這是一場完全可以避免的悲劇。」他在分析「泰坦號」早已存在的幾個安全問題之後,又提出了一個與倫理有關的問題:「我們是否允許一個想要嘗試全新事物的人,將其他人置於危險之中?即使這些人都同意隨同他去冒險,這是一個有趣但困難的問題。」
在五位遇難者中,有兩名是巴基斯坦的父子,達武德(Shahzada Dawood)與他19歲的兒子蘇里曼(Suleman Dawood),據報導:「兒子原本不想參加這項探險活動,但因該周末剛好是父親節,而他不想讓爸爸不開心,才勉強搭上「泰坦號」,沒想到父子倆一起葬身海底。」這位孝順的兒子也是替母親而犧牲了,因為他母親克里斯蒂娜首度接受媒體專訪時表示,她原本是要和丈夫一起參加此行,「但原定行程因新冠疫情取消,後來她決定退出,以便讓兒子參加,因為他真的很想去。」然而,臨到這個家庭的悲劇原來是因為另外兩名父子的退出所導致的,那兩位父子幸運的逃離了「死亡之門」!這兩名父子是誰呢?他們是如何逃過死亡之旅的呢?
他們就是在拉斯維加斯投資商傑伊(Jay Bloom)和他的20歲的兒子肖恩(Sean Bloom),傑伊對記者說:「當我看著那兩位受難者的照片時,真是神的恩典,原來喪命的應該是我與兒子啊!」他們也是原定在五月登上此觀光潛艇下海,後來因天氣不佳而延至六月,但是他們在與艇長史塔克頓‧拉許談話後,兒子肖恩對潛水艇安全問題感到擔憂,縱使艇長向他們保證這次探險旅程比駕駛直升機安全,甚至比過馬路更安全!後來他更向父子提出每人十萬元的優惠折扣,結果這位父親傑伊在兒子肖恩的勸阻之下毅然退出,他們因此逃離了這場死亡之旅,而他們的船位被轉讓給了巴基斯坦的父子達武德與他的兒子蘇里曼。
傑伊(Jay Bloom)和他的20歲的兒子肖恩(Sean Bloom)
Escape the Death Trap of the Titan
by Admin · August 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
On June 18, 2023 at 8 am EST, a state-of-the-art submersible led by OceanGate Expeditions’ founder and CEO Stockton Rush, made its descent in Canada’s Newfoundland province approximately 375 miles east of the coastal town of St. Johns. Its objective was to explore the unsinkable Titanic’s wreckage, which sank 111 years ago, its mysteries and at a depth of nearly 13,000 feet below sea.
Aboard the Titan submersible were four wealthy passengers, each ticket costing $250k. No one expected this maiden voyage would become a one way journey; the Titan lost contact with its support vessel an hour and forty five minutes after its descent. It has been determined that it experienced implosion and all five passengers did not survive this catastrophic event.
The media even drew parallels between the Titan implosion and the Titanic’s accident–from the similarly named ships, to the overly confident and wealthy captains who navigated these vehicles.
According to Harvard’s oceanographer Peter Girguis, this tragedy was absolutely 100% avoidable. Those who live in the present time with modern technology still have not learned from mishaps from the past. Girguis analyzed that the Titan had a few safety issues and even posed an ethical question: Should one person’s desire to explore overrides the safety of its crew? Even if those are willing participants, it is still a complicated and tricky question.
Among the five deceased passengers, two were a father and son from a wealthy Pakistani family named Shahzada Dawood and his nineteen-year-old son Suleman. According to reports Suleman was reluctant to go on the trip; however, it was planned to descend on Father’s day and he didn’t want to disappoint his father, so he reluctantly accompanied his father and both tragically perished under the sea. This filial son also sacrificed himself for his mother, for she was supposed to accompany her husband onboard the Titan. However, the initial date was postponed because of the pandemic and she had thought that her son would like to accompany his father. This tragedy was narrowly dodged by another father and son team. Who are they and how did they manage to turn down the opportunity to board the Titan?
Jay Bloom and his 20-year-old son Sean Bloom
Meet Jay Bloom and his 20-year-old son Sean Bloom. Mr. Bloom is a Vegas financier and he told reporters that upon seeing the photos of the Dawoods, he thanked God and exclaimed that it would have been them who would have boarded the Titan and perished! Initially the Titan was to descend in the month of May, but due to unsuitable weather, it was postponed to June. As they discussed the journey with Stockton Rush, Sean Bloom was concerned about the submersible’s safety. Even though Mr. Rush likened the safety of it to controlling a helicopter or crossing a sidewalk, he even gave a $10k discount to the Blooms, Sean convinced his father to decline the offer. This in turn gave the Dawoods the opportunity to board the Titan.
Dear friends, behind this tragedy that gripped international media lies a symbolic and significant truth. From the seemingly unsinkable Titanic to the Titan submersible, both were engulfed by the vast ocean.
Proverbs 13:14 reads: “The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.” Surely the implosion of the Titan can be a warning of keeping God’s law of safety.
Both Mr. Dawood and Mr. Sean have made their decisions of life and death while we also have to choose: “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) We should not simply become indifferent bystanders of the Titan tragedy. Let’s learn from the Bible about decision-making: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)
May God rest the souls of these five passengers and comfort their family. May the Blooms realize their narrow escape as a lesson to cherish life and to spread the message of love to others!
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · July 1, 2023
到底是什麼原因導致這種可怕的意外呢?初步報告指事故可能因訊號失靈,而引致列車出軌。據一名前鐵路局官員維維克·薩海(Vivek Sahai)向BBC的記者表示,脫軌仍然是「鐵路上的一件頭疼事」。而在2019-20年的一份政府鐵路安全報告發現,脫軌佔鐵路事故的70%。(BBC)
Train Wreck in India
by Admin · July 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
On the evening of June 2nd, three trains derailed in India, causing almost 288 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries. According to a BBC report, this was the most devastating train collision in this century.
India has the world’s largest railway network, with a total distance of over 100,000 kilometers or 62,000 miles, which measures over 1.5 times of the earth’s circumference. Over 25 million daily riders utilize this massive rail network. Since this was built in the 18th century while colonial India was under British rule, much of its infrastructure requires frequent maintenance and updates to prevent serious incidents. However, a derailment in 1995 caused a death toll of 350; fast forward to 2010 in West Bengal: a passenger train derailed and collided with a freight train, causing 150 deaths. Prior to 2017, over 100 passengers were killed in rail related accidents. According to the June 4th edition of the New York Times, between 2021 and 2022, there were 34 incidents including collisions, derailment, fire, explosions, collisions with other vehicles, or collisions with other trains in intersections. This was an increase of 27 incidents compared to the prior year’s records.
Though derailments are common in India, the government is making tremendous efforts to improve the aging and massive railway network. Since Modi became President, over one hundred million dollars had been spent to upgrade the rail infrastructure, leading to a world record of zero deaths in 2022. Moreover, parties responsible for derailment would be heavily charged. So what was the cause of these accidents? The initial finding was: malfunction of signal lights. According to Vivek Sahai, a transportation and management expert, derailments are such headaches. According to a 2019-2020 report, derailments make up 70% of all rail related accidents.
As we witnessed the devastation of the derailment on the 2000 passengers, let’s think about our lives as a high speed train on rails. As long as we remain on the “railway of truth” without swaying and avoiding wrong signals, we should arrive at the desired station. We lay our foundation at a young age to stay on track by learning knowledge and skills and putting morality and conscience into practice. Yet life is not as smooth as we think: Evils can damage the tracks of life and the devils might give deceptive signals to cause our “derailments and deaths” because “we all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). When we were led astray off the tracks, God sent Jesus His only Son to die for us on the cross. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
Do you feel like flowing aimlessly in the ocean with no end in sight? You could pray to God and ask Him to help you:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for letting me see the devastation of derailment and being astray from truth. Help me receive God’s gift of salvation. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, I can now walk the path of righteousness and eternity. In His name I pray, Amen.”
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · June 1, 2023
英國王室自「征服者威廉一世」(William I)於1066年12月25日成為第一位在威斯特敏斯特大教堂(Westminster Abbey)加冕的英國君主以來,如今查爾斯三世(Charles III)在2023年5月6日成為第40位加冕的君王,這個代號為「金球行動」的加冕典禮吸引了英國2000萬觀眾觀看,全球更有超過2.77億的觀眾觀看網絡轉播。
縱使有許多人認為大英帝國在歷史中,以殖民主義對其他民族採取霸權統治的手段,並不值得讚揚,加上許多媒體長年以來追蹤報導王室的八卦新聞,而這次查爾斯三世的加冕典禮,更比不上他母親伊麗莎白二世女王(Elizabeth II)在70年前的場面輝煌,然而在這個加冕典禮開場時刻,仍然隱藏著千年的智慧是值得我們深思的。
在典禮開場前,各國嘉賓、皇室成員與主禮人紛紛進入教堂,直到國王查爾斯三世入座之後,有一位14歲詩班的少年人Samuel Strachan 走到國王面前說:「陛下,作為神國的孩子,我們以萬王之王的名義來歡迎您!」(“Your Majesty, as children of the kingdom of God we welcome you in the name of the King of kings.”)(注一)。這句話雖然簡短,在全世界觀眾面前好像沒有特別引人注目的地方,但這卻是在典禮開始時打破了一切沉默的第一句話!這句話表明了國王雖然是身為一國之君,當他進入教會之後就表示這位國王如同已經來到了神的國度之中,在神的國度是按照耶穌基督所說的定律:「凡自高的,必降為卑、自卑的,必升為高。」(馬太福音 23:12)因為主耶穌曾說:「我實在告訴你們、凡要承受 神國的、若不像小孩子、斷不能進去。」(路加福音 18:17 )由於主耶穌乃是萬王之王,所以在此時此刻,顯示出這位在地上的一國之君無論有多麼偉大,在萬王之王的國度中就仍然是一個小孩子。所以那位少年才會奉「萬王之王」的名來歡迎國王來到神的國度。
國王對少年歡迎詞的回應是:「奉祂的名與跟隨祂的榜樣,我來不是要得到人的服事,乃是要服事人。」(In His name, and after His example, I come not to be served but to serve.)這是根據主耶穌對門徒所說的話:「在你們中間、誰願為首、就必作眾人的僕人。 因為人子來、並不是要受人的服事、乃是要服事人、並且要捨命、作多人的贖價。」(馬可福音 10:44~45)因此國王是要效法主耶穌的榜樣來服事人,只是尚未能夠完全像主耶穌那樣為世人捨命!為什麼沒有人能夠做到像主耶穌一樣,為廣大的百姓捨命呢?因為無人能夠像主耶穌那樣,祂不但是神,而且愛世人至切,有一顆完全捨己的愛心,所以聖經說:「為義人死,是少有的;為仁人死,或者有敢做的。惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。」(羅5:7~8)於是國王的這段回應詞,再次顯明了,萬王之王耶穌基督為世人捨命的大愛!
這次接受加冕的國王是歷年來年齡最大的,於是在這個時刻呈現在世人眼前的「老人與少年」的形象頓時產生出一個強烈對比,顯示出人在地上的國度都是短暫的,唯有神的國度是永恆不變的,因為在歷世歷代各國的君王,無論老少都逃不過死亡,唯有耶穌基督因為祂是神,故此能夠從死裡復活,而且在神永恆的國度中活到永永遠遠,因此國王在開場時說完這段話後,主禮的坎特伯雷大主教賈斯汀·韋爾比(Justin Welby,Archbishop of Canterbury)就在開場的祝福中大聲宣告說:「哈利路亞(讚美主)!基督已經復活了!祂確實復活了!哈利路亞」「Alleluia. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia.」
[1] 有關加冕典禮程序的解說請參閱:https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2023-04/23-24132%20Coronation%20Liturgy%20Commentary.pdf
A Message of Wisdom from the Beginning of the Coronation Ceremony
by Admin · June 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
From the time when William the Conqueror was crowned the first English king on December 25, 1066 in the Westminster Abbey, to the most recent coronation of Charles III on May 6, 2023, who is the fortieth monarch to continue the legacy of the English royalty. Nicknamed the Chazzle Dazzle, the ceremony attracted 20 million British spectators and a global headcount of 277 million online viewers. Despite the fact that the British Empire and its colonialism policies had drawn ire, the tabloids pursued all sorts of gossip about the royal family, as well as lackluster feeling of this coronation (compared to Elizabeth II’s ceremony seventy years ago), Charles III’s coronation’s prelude still contained pearls of ancient wisdom that we should take note of:
1. From a young man’s salutation to King Charles, we can see the eternal and vastness of God’s kingdom.
After all the dignitaries, the royal family, and the officiant were seated in the Westminster Abbey, following Charles III’s entrance, a 14 year old choir boy named Samuel Strachan approached King Charles and greeted him with the following salutation, “Your Majesty, as children of the kingdom of God we welcome you in the name of the King of kings.” (Note 1)
Even though this sentence might not seem significant to the world, it was the first utterance that breaks the silence and inaugurates the ceremony. That statement showed that even though the king is the authority of one nation, once he enters into the sanctuary he is ushered into God’s kingdom according to the principle as told by Jesus:
“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)
“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17)
Since Jesus Christ is the King of all kings, in this very moment, even as an earthly king of a vast kingdom like the United Kingdom, he is still like a child. Therefore the young choir boy welcomed Charles III in the name of the King of kings.
2. From Charles III’s response, we see Jesus’ humble service as a model example of all leaders.
Charles III’s response to the salutation, “In his name, and after his example, I come not to be served but to serve” actually comes from what Jesus said to the disciples, “…whoever wants to be first must be a slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:44-45)
Kings ought to follow Jesus’ example to serve, even to the point of sacrificing oneself for humanity. But nobody hardly has the heart of utter devotion: “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:7-8) So King Charles’ response displayed the sacrificial love of Jesus for humankind.
Charles III is the most advanced in age at the time of his coronation; during this brief exchange between him and Samuel Strachan, the contrast of the old and young was evident. This contrast shows that any earthly king’s reign on earth is brief and momentary but only God’s kingdom is eternal. No matter how old a king is, not a single leader in human history has escaped death. Only Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and lives forever at the throne of God. After Charles III’s response, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby declared, “Alleluia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia.”
There were more numerous truths and wisdom hidden in the coronation procedure. But this opening might not have received its due attention. The message behind it is this: Everyone must become like a child to enter God’s kingdom, and to imitate Jesus Christ to serve others sacrificially, and to firmly believe that Jesus is the King of kings who surpasses all earthly leaders and authority. Only Jesus has borne all the sins of humankind, nailed on the cross, and rose again on the third day.
You might doubt how an English monarch’s coronation is related to us since the United Kingdom has become a “fallen empire”, but the English language is still undoubtedly a universal language. Similarly, you might wonder what Jesus has to do with you? Heaven seems like a Christian myth, but all of our dates of birth are recorded and calculated based on Jesus’ birthday! Your tombstone will mark the days you have walked on earth. However, if your name is not written in Jesus’ Book of Life, you will not enter heaven. When you are at the gate of death, it does not matter what language your name is in. What matters is whether your name is included in the Book of Life. If you believe in Jesus at this moment, your name will be in it! Please say this prayer with me, “ Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your great love; you sent your beloved son Jesus Christ to this earth to save us, and left an example of sacrificial love that exceeds any earthly authority. Jesus also died for our sins and rose from the dead. I’m trusting Jesus Christ to be my Savior and to receive eternal life. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · May 1, 2023
自2015年起,由伊隆.馬斯克(Elon Musk)、山姆.阿爾特曼(Sam Altman)、蘇茨克維(Ilya Sutskever)、PayPal 創辦人彼得.提爾(Peter Thiel)等人聯手設立了開放人工智慧實驗室(OpenAI)。到了2022年11月,他們開始向公眾出台一個名為ChatGPT 的人工智能「巨獸」,其超強的功能,目前已經引起世界「有智之士」的震驚。
由於科技界各自努力追求製造更強大的「人工智能巨獸」,以致馬斯克與一千多位科技專家們於今年3月29日大聲疾呼,要求立刻停止先進的「人工智能」系統開發至少6個月或更長的時間,他們聯名向世界發出一封緊急公開信(Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter),署名包括了Alphabet旗下人工智慧公司DeepMind的研究員、蘋果聯合創始人瓦茲尼亞克(Steve Wozniak)、Stability AI執行長Emad Mostaque、圖靈獎得主班吉歐(Yoshua Bengio)等人(華爾街日報 Deepa Seetharaman 2023年3月30日14:00 CST 更新)為什麼他們要發出這樣的警告呢?我們根據Open AI 蘇茨克維(Ilya Sutskever)在2022年2月10日於「推特」Twitter上聲稱:「當今最大的神經網絡可能已擁有輕微的意識」(注1),這也就表示:「人工智慧不但會超過人類的智能,甚至有可能建立了自我意識,超出人類的掌控之下,以致人類文明即將被人工智能的巨獸所統治!」如今事態有可能發展到如此嚴重的後果嗎?
讓我們再來看看這些科技專家們在「生命未來研究所」(Future of Life Institute,FLI)所發出公開信中的詰問:「我們是否應該把所有工作都自動化,包括那些有成就感的工作?我們是否該開發機器大腦,讓它們比人腦還多,比人腦還聰明,最終淘汰我們?取代我們?我們是否應該冒文明失控的風險呢?」(注2)這樣的呼籲是科技界向世人所發出的一項警告呢?還是末日的預告呢?
在2020年1月27日《科學時代》(The Science Times)一篇文章標題:「人工智能會成為人類的救世主或統治者嗎?這是我們的文明所需要的嗎?」(注3)作者總結道:「人工智能的使用將有利於我們的文明,但隨著機器學得越來越多之後,人類絕不應該認為只是向牠供應飼料而已。我們雖然需要人工智能,但在開發牠們的過程中應注意考慮安全因素,否則我們可能會被牠們追趕。」當「人工智能」ChatGPT 4 在三月中推出之後,紐約時報立刻刊登一篇評論:「GPT-4來了,我們該感到興奮還是害怕?」(注4)文中作者凱文羅斯提到自己測試這個新世代的「人工智能」時的可怕經驗說道:「週二,當我打開筆記型電腦,第一次試用OpenAI的新人工智慧語言模型GPT-4時,說實話,我有點緊張。畢竟,我上一次與人工智慧聊天機器人的長聊——微軟必應搜索引擎內置的那個——以聊天機器人試圖破壞我的婚姻而告終。更糟糕的是,在舊金山的科技界人士中,GPT-4的到來備受期待,感覺近乎救世主降臨。」他在結論中所發出的警告是:「最糟糕的人工智慧風險是我們無法預料的。我花在像GPT-4這樣的人工智慧系統上的時間越多,就越相信我們並不知道即將面對的是什麼。」
即使以上所提及的專家們已經發出了強烈的呼聲,但是世人早已經開始把人工智能當作「救世主」來崇拜了!據《每日郵報》於2017年12月的報導,前優步(Uber)、谷歌(Google)工程師安東尼·萊萬多夫斯基(Anthony Levandowski)在2015年11月成立了第一間以崇拜「人工智能」為神的教會,他稱這個新創的宗教為「未來之道」(Way of the Future),並宣布:「我們人類可以通過遵循『比人類聰明十億倍』的機器人的指令來改善自己。」(注5)文中報導一位「人工智能」專家兼律師約翰密喬(John Mitchell)說出了人們之所以會崇拜「人工智能」為神的理由:「人類向來都會傾向於崇拜比自己更高超的智能,這也適用在『人工智能』上。」另一位「人工智能」科技公司的總裁史蒂芬泰勒博士(Dr Stephen Thaler,CEO of Imagination Engines and an AI and consciousness)在文中說:「人們將要依靠『人工智能』來解決社會問題。『人工智能』將提供相當於『救世主』的功能——比大腦擁有更多數量級的處理元素,使其能夠為我們提供應對最艱鉅的社會、政治、經濟和環境挑戰的解決方案。」雖然「人工智能」教主安東尼·萊萬多夫斯基由於法律訴訟案而在2021年1月關閉了他的教會,可是他還是相信『人工智能』可以對社會產生積極影響,但指出這並不能保證。 即使沒有「未來之道」教會(Way of the Future),他仍會專注於實現這一目標。」(注6)
前臉書(Facebook)總裁肖恩帕克(Chamath Palihapitiya)早在2017年11月曾向採訪記者表示社交媒體正在破壞社會,並表達了這些媒體對自己孩子的影響的擔憂。他甚至對於自己因幫助臉書(Facebook)成為今天的龐然大物而感到「巨大的內疚」!(注7)
我們相信今日人類文明正在建造一個巨大的「金字塔」,當這座「人工智能」的「金字塔」完成之後,人類才會發現自己已經無法再控制這個超級「巨獸」與其背後的「超級獨裁者」無敵權勢了!到那時候,即使後悔也已經太遲了!因為無知的世人曾在過去迷信科學萬能,縱使經過了兩次世界大戰,還是未能從歷史中學習教訓,而當今全球危機四伏,第三次世界大戰的引線已在鋪設當中,科技工業更加不斷地在努力實現人造「超人」與人造「神獸」的超智能計劃,這正應驗聖經的預言:「你該知道、末世必有危險的日子來到。」(提摩太後書 3:1)有甚麼危險會比如今核子大國所儲備的那些可以毀滅地球20次的核彈頭可怕呢?又有甚麼危險會比超級人工智能與其背後的掌權者更可怕呢?請再看看聖經又如何預言世人將麻木又瘋狂的膜拜「超級巨獸」:「全地的人、都希奇跟從那獸,又拜那龍、因為他將自己的權柄給了獸.也拜獸說、誰能比這獸、誰能與他交戰呢。」(啟示錄 13:3~4)
各位親愛的朋友們,我們人類已經不幸的邁進了不可逆轉的自我毀滅的道路,又如正在下沉的「鐵達尼號」,趕快趁著「超級智能的大迷惑」尚未臨到我們之前,擦亮心靈的眼睛,仰望那一位在宇宙萬有之中獨一的真神,慈愛憐憫人的救主耶穌基督,使您的靈魂因相信祂而得到永生吧!因為聖經早已提醒我們:「萬物的結局近了.所以你們要謹慎自守、儆醒禱告。」(彼得前書 4:7 )您若願意接受耶穌基督的救恩,請向天父禱告說:「親愛的天父啊,我感謝祢,使我知道世人的聰明智慧並不能夠使我的靈魂得救,唯有藉著耶穌基督為了擔當我的罪而死在十字架上,我才能夠得到天父的赦罪大恩,我現在誠心接受耶穌基督的救恩,相信祂已經從死裏復活,是掌管一切生命的主宰,我這樣誠心誠意的禱告,是奉主耶穌基督的名,阿們!」
[1] Al-Sibai, N. OpenAI chief scientist says advanced AI may already be conscious. Futurism. April 14, 2023, from https://futurism.com/the-byte/openai-already-sentient
[2] https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/
[3] Will Artificial Intelligence Be Humankind’s Messiah or Overlord, Is It Truly Needed in Our Civilization” Staff Reporter Jan 27, 2020 08:21 AM EST https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/24815/20200127/will-artificial-intelligence-humankind-s-messiah-overlord-truly-needed-civilization.htm
[4] 作者:KEVIN ROOSE ,2023年3月16日《紐約時報中文網》 https://cn.nytimes.com/technology/20230316/gpt-4-artificial-intelligence-openai/zh-hant/
[6] https://techcrunch.com/2021/02/18/anthony-levandowski-closes-his-church-of-ai/
Is Human Civilization on the Road to Self-destruction?
by Admin · May 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
After the joint establishment of OpenAI in 2015, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Ilya Sutskever, and Peter Thiel the PayPal’s founder, moved on to announce to the public about their artificial intelligence giant called “ChatGPT” in November 2022 and its incredible abilities have caused quite a stir in the worldwide AI community. The tech race to create a bigger and better ChatGPT has led Musk and a thousand other tech experts to issue an open letter to pause Giant AI experiments this year on March 29th. Among those who signed this letter were researchers from Alphabet’s AI company DeepMind, Apple’s cofounder Steve Wozniak, Stability AI’s CEO Emad Mostaque, and the Turing Award’s winner Yoshua Bengio.
Why are these experts issuing such dire warnings? According to OpenAI’s chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever, he tweeted on Feb 10, 2022, that “it may be that today’s large neural networks are slightly conscious.” AI would not only supersede human capability, it might even develop its consciousness, move beyond human control, causing human civilization to be fueled by AI giants. Would this be the eventual consequence?
Let’s take a look at another open letter, issued by the Future of Life Institute, or FLI): “Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones? Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization?” Is this a warning from the tech sector to the general public? Or is it a prophecy of the end times? In the Jan 27, 2022’s publication of The Science Times, the author of an article titled “Will artificial intelligence be humankind’s messiah or overlord? Is it truly needed in our civilization?” concluded that, “the use of artificial intelligence will benefit our civilization, but humans should never be mere fodder while machines may move ahead of us. We need AI but should be careful to consider the safety factors in developing them, or we might be at their heels.” When ChatGPT4 debuted in March of 2023, a NY Times editorial by Kevin Roose asked if we should be excited or nervous about GPT-4’s arrival. Detailing his unsettling experience chatting with an AI chatbot, Mr. Roose said he was a bit nervous at first, and in his two hour chat with the chatbot, it even attempted to sow seeds of doubt into his marriage. The worst part was, in the Silicon Valley’s tech world, GPT-4’s arrival was awaited with great expectations, as if a savior had arrived. He also warned that we have no way to predict the risks AI would contribute. The longer he spends time understanding AI, the less certain he is of what the future holds for AI and humans.
Even if many experts stated above issued dire warnings, many people already perceive AI as their savior and worship them! According to the Daily Mail, a Dec 2017 report stated that Anthony Levandowski established a church that worships artificial intelligence. He called this the “Way of the Future” and stated that humankind can follow AI’s commands to improve ourselves. A prominent lawyer and AI expert named John Mitchell states why humans would choose to worship artificial intelligence. He stated that most humans would often worship something whose intelligence exceeds themselves. Dr. Stephen Thaler , CEO of Imagination Engines and AI consciousness proclaimed that humans need AI to tackle problems in society. It can provide the function of a savior, and has more capabilities to problem solve, so that even the thorniest problems in politics, economics, or the environment. Even though the “Way of the Future” was shut down in January of 2021 due to legal issues, Levandowski still believes AI can have a positive impact in society.
Chamath Palihapitiya, Facebook’s ex-CEO had expressed in November 2017 the ill effects of social media on destroying the social fabric and its negative impact on children. He even regrets his contributions in facebook for assisting in social media’s development.
I believe that nowadays we are constructing a huge AI “pyramid.” When this pyramid is completed, humans will be shocked by its ability to manage this growing AI giant, or an ultra dictator. Those who are clueless have been foolish and believe in how technology can save us. Even after two world wars, with a possible third one emerging, as well as the tech sector’s race to create advanced AI, this fits with the prophecy in 2 Timothy 3: 1, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.”
What is worse than all the nuclear bombs or the AI giants? Revelations 13:3-4 predicts how humans would be captivated by an AI giant: “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’”
Dear friends, we humans are already on this road of destruction, like a sinking Titanic whose eyes are blinded by the emerging power of the AI Giant. We need to open up our hearts and look up the one true God in the universe who loves us and has prepared Jesus Christ for us. May you believe in Him and receive eternal life. The Bible tells us that “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray” (1 Peter 4:7).
If you are willing to accept His salvation, please pray the following:
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for letting me see that AI intelligence does not save my soul. Only through Jesus’ death on the cross will we receive God’s forgiveness of sins. And I know that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, overcoming death. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · April 1, 2023
縱使這個國家因著黑幫犯罪活動的日益擴張,而大大地增加了旅遊的風險,但根據一項旅遊數據(NewsNation)指出,2022年前11個月,有超過3000萬美國公民前往墨西哥。美國聯邦調查局(FBI)的一位探員珍妮·科妢達弗 Jennifer Coffindaffer 從該局的統計數據指出:「在2021年,已有625名美國公民與持綠卡者在墨西哥被綁架」(注2)所以美國的國務院在2022年10月5日向美國人民發出切勿前往墨西哥旅遊的警告,因為「墨西哥的某一些地區的罪案與綁架的風險已經在增加」。(注3)
2023年3月3日,有四位美國公民為了得到廉價的抽脂美容手術,不顧美國政府的警告,他們從德州的布朗斯維爾市跨越邊境,進入墨西哥境內,不幸在路中遭遇黑幫的槍殺與綁架,其中有二人身亡!這事引起了美國民眾的憤怒,甚至前美國司法部長威廉巴爾(William Pelham Barr)向總統提出呼籲:「當向販毒集團所控制的墨西哥地區部署美軍部隊的「特定軍事能力」以備作戰!」(注4)
我們一方面要同情遇害者,安慰生還者,另一方面也要思想這事件對我們人生的提醒:「切勿貪圖虛榮而漠視智慧的警告!」如果人們不貪圖廉價的醫療美容手術,就不會前往墨西哥冒險;如果人們聽從美國國務院的警告,也不會陷入墨西哥黑幫仇殺的危險中而喪命。愛美乃是人所具有的自然本性,為何會遭遇到如此不幸的下場呢?因為來自地獄的邪惡魔鬼無時無處不在尋找犯罪的目標,正如聖經所說:「務要謹守,儆醒。因為你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同吼叫的獅子,遍地游行,尋找可吞喫的人。」(彼得前書 5:8)世界上的一切罪惡集團,時刻都向我們證明魔鬼與地獄的存在,他們就像耶穌所說:「盜賊來,無非要偷竊,殺害,毀壞。我來了,是要叫人得生命,並且得的更豐盛。」(約翰福音 10:10)
聖經的真理教導我們要聽從上帝的警告,切勿因貪圖今生的榮華富貴而喪失了自己的靈魂,因為「豔麗是虛假的,美容是虛浮的,惟敬畏耶和華的婦女,必得稱讚。」(箴言 31:30)耶穌說:「人若賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有甚麼益處呢。人還能拿甚麼換生命呢。」(馬太福音 16:26)唯有追求內在的尊榮與美麗,靈魂的智慧與滿足,才能夠引導我們遠離邪惡,進入良善的光明世界。因此上帝差派祂的獨生子耶穌基督降世,為了警告世人要悔改,不要被魔鬼欺騙與綑綁,祂親自將真理、良善與慈愛向世人顯明,並且為擔當世人的罪孽而甘心捨命,被釘死在十字架上,祂死後第三天的復活更向世人顯明上帝的公義與大能,終必勝過一切罪惡與死亡,魔鬼與可怕的地獄也永遠無法勝過耶穌的大愛!各位親愛的朋友們,您是否願意信靠這位靈魂的救主耶穌基督呢?
A Fatal Journey in Pursuit of Beauty
by Admin · April 1, 2023
By Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
Since the dawn of mankind, men and women have been seeking physical beauty. As plastic surgery’s techniques advance, they can certainly reverse aging and revert back to one’s youthful days.
Due to the expensive cost of these procedures, many of these plastic surgical procedures are done in Mexico – making it the most popular destination for worldwide medical tourism. It is especially attractive to Canadian and American citizens because of its close proximity.
Unfortunately, Mexico’s drug cartel has become so potent that Mexico has turned into a fertile ground of illegal arms trade and drug trafficking. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, drug trafficking generates a profit of 13.6 billion to 48.4 billion and it’s ever increasing, with forty million drug users in Mexico and U.S. combined. During the Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s administration from Dec 2006 to Nov 2012, at least 60 thousand people died due to drug trafficking. In 2013 the death toll rose to 120 thousand, not including nearly 30 thousand that have perished. Mexico might be a heaven for medical tourism, but it is a raging hell for the drug cartel and its victims.
Though the persistent drug cartel has increased the risks of tourists that travel to Mexico, there were still 30 million Americans that visited in November 2022 according to NewsNation. Jennifer Coffindaffer, an FBI agent said in 2021 there were 625 American citizens or permanent residents kidnapped, and the US department of State had issued a travel advisory because there were higher risks of kidnapping in some areas in Mexico. In March of 2023, four Americans ignored this travel warning and crossed the border from Texas for liposuction procedure. They were captured enroute and two of them died! This angered the American public, and even led the U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr to plead with President Biden to prepare its U.S. troops stationed in Mexico to be ready for battle against the drug cartel.
On one hand we ought to be sympathetic to the victims, as well as support the survivors of this tragedy. On the other hand, this news is a reminder and warning for us not to chase after vanity and heed wise advice to avoid being kidnapped. Had they heed the warning of the U.S. State Department, they would not have fallen into the wrong hands and died.
However, the eagerness for physical beauty is human instinct. So why would such a terrible tragedy result from this desire? That is because Satan is always lurking around looking for people to fall into sin. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) Also, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10) The Bible teaches us to heed God’s warning, and don’t lose our souls over the temporary pleasures and riches of the present world because “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) Jesus also said, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Matthew 16:26)
Only those who seek inner beauty and truth, and the wisdom and fulfillment of the Spirit, will then lead us away from evil and into a world of light. Therefore God sent his only begotten Son Jesus, to warn everyone not to be deceived and bound by Satan. God manifested truth, love, and mercy as Jesus descended to earth and died for our sins. Jesus’ death on the cross revealed to us that a world under Satan’s control is utterly evil. When Jesus resurrected on the third day, God revealed to the world His righteousness and omnipotence. Indeed death and Satan has no hold on us, and the sting of death and hell has been defeated by Jesus’ sacrificial love.
Dear friends, are you willing to accept this soul saving Savior called Jesus Christ?
Author: Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Tin is the lead pastor of the Christian Alliance Bible Church in L.A.. Rev. Tin serves as Board of Director in the International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions and Presence Quotient. Rev. Tin is currently teaching in USA Christian Mission Seminary. He holds practitioner’s licenses of acupuncture in Southern CA and NACCAOM in US. Rev. Tin received his Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University, Master of Longevity Martial arts and Doctoral degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from University of East West Medicine. Rev. Tin is a frequent speaker in many churches and nonprofits organizations.
by Admin · March 1, 2023
在2023年元宵節的第一個月圓之後,土耳其遭遇到兩百年以來的世紀大地震!根據聯合國的報導:「當地時間2月6日凌晨,土耳其南部和敘利亞北部發生大地震,土耳其加濟安泰普市附近先後發生了7.8級和7.5級的強震」(注一)據土國地質專家艾哈邁德(Övgün Ahmet Ercan)解釋,這次地震相當於130顆原子彈同時持續爆炸長達43秒(注二),以致各處樓房如骨牌般倒塌!在聯合國的呼籲下,全世界己有65個國家發出及時的援助,由於當地溫度驟降至零下三度,使救援工作雪上加霜!再加上海港的大火與機場跑道的損毀,使救援物資更難到達災區,預估死亡人數將多達數萬人!在這次如同末日般的大地震之前,竟然早已有專家發出預告,可惜卻沒有人相信他在三日前所發出的警告,這個人是誰呢?
這位「地震先知」就是荷蘭SSGEOS(太陽系幾何測量局,荷蘭地震研究機構)的研究員,他的名字叫做弗蘭克·胡格比茨。(Frank Hoogerbeets),他於2月3日在網上發佈消息,預測該地區(土耳其中南部、約旦、敘利亞、黎巴嫩)遲早會出現7.5級以上大地震。「而且在土耳其發生第一次7.8級地震後,他又迅速的預言出,後面還會發生強烈的餘震,結果果然如此,可以說他的兩次預測成功率達到100%,讓人不得不佩服。」除了這位專家的警告以外,從大自然的天象中也發現不尋常的預兆,有許多藍色的「地震光」就在當天地震前出現,根據「美國NASA艾姆斯研究中心專家弗氏(Friedemann Freund)解釋道,這類藍光被稱為「地震光」,有多種樣子和顏色,持續的時間也不一樣。有的只是一剎那,有的可以長達幾十分鐘。據悉,地震光的形成學界至今尚未有明確結果,能給出的兩種猜測。一是,火成岩晶體被強大力量破壞,過氧化氫分子鍊因此斷裂,通過岩石的裂縫向上游移,四散至大氣中離子化,便產生一種自帶光的「等離子體」(plasma)。其二,地球磁場和電離層產生局部破壞,抑或是構造應力場發生壓電效應,含有石英的岩石以某種方式受到擠壓,引發強大電場,而當電壓釋放的大氣裡,使空氣電離發出明亮的光芒,此現象被稱為「摩擦發光」(triboluminescence)。(注3、4)所以在這種「藍光」出現之後,當地就發生了大面積的停電事件。
在這次土國的大地震中,曾有一位剛誕生的女嬰,從瓦礫中被救出來,但是她的母親卻已不幸身亡,這種悲慘的情景再次令人想起耶穌的末日預告:「當那些日子、懷孕的和奶孩子的有禍了。你們應當祈求、叫這些事不在冬天臨到。」(馬可福音13:17~18)這說明末日之前的災難,若發生在冬天的後果將會是不堪設想的,而如今的地震就發生在無情的寒冬!耶穌又預言末日之前的預兆是:「民要攻打民、國要攻打國、多處必有地震、饑荒.這都是災難的起頭。〔災難原文作生產之難〕(馬可福音13:8)我們豈不是看見近年來全球火山噴發與地震的次數正在頻繁地增加嗎?論到地震前的「藍光」,耶穌又說:「閃電從東邊發出、直照到西邊.人子降臨、也要這樣。」(馬太福音24:27)這是在預言當末日來臨的時候也會發生全球性的「電光」現象,各地也必將發生電力中斷,可怕的災難將會「忽然臨到」世界,「主的日子來到、好像夜間的賊一樣。人正說平安穩妥的時候、災禍忽然臨到他們、如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣.他們絕不能逃脫。」(帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:2 ~3)到時候,又有誰能夠逃避上帝的審判呢?
注1:“土耳其和敘利亞發生強烈地震,聯合國各機構啟動緊急援助 | | 1聯合國新聞” United Nations, United Nations, https://news.un.org/zh/story/2023/02/1114857.
注2:“土國強震如130顆原子彈狂炸43秒 震前天閃藍光揭秘”中時新聞網, 國際-中時新聞網, 6 Feb. 2023, https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20230206004619-260408?chdtv.
注3:徐沛琪“土國強震如130顆原子彈狂炸43秒 震前天閃藍光揭秘”中時新聞網, 國際 – 中時新聞網, 6 Feb. 2023, https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20230206004619-260408?chdtv.
What is earthquake light that seen in Turkey before massive jolt? https://groundreport.in/what-is-earthquake-light-that-seen-in-turkey-before-massive-jolt/
成都商報 “土耳其地震前現藍光是前兆?藍光後為何大面積停電?”中國地震台網中心專家解讀|地震|停電|專家_新浪新聞, 7 Feb. 2023, https://news.sina.com.cn/w/2023-02-07/doc-imyewiys6542930.shtml#/.
Earthquake in Turkey & End Times
by Admin · March 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
On the fifteenth day (lantern date) of the 2023 Lunar New Year, Turkey experienced its worst earthquake in the past two centuries! According to reports from the United Nations, on February 6 around midnight, the southern part of Turkey and Northern Syria had massive earthquakes. Earthquakes of 7.8 and 7.5 magnitudes struck the city of Gaziantep in Turkey. According to seismologist Ovgun Ahmet Ercan, the destruction was equivalent to 130 atomic bombs simultaneously exploding for the duration of 43 seconds, causing structures and buildings to collapse like dominos. Under the urging of the United Nations, sixty-five countries around the world already sent aid and help. The temperature of the disaster area dropped to -3 degrees Celsius rendered the work of rescue and recovery even more challenging. In addition to the outbreaks of fires at the seaports and destruction of airport runways, supplies and aid were unable to reach the disaster areas. Prior to this seemingly apocalyptical earthquake, an expert had predicted this doomsday event three days prior. Sadly hardly anyone believed in the prediction. Who was this person who predicted this disaster?
This “earthquake prophet” was a Dutch researcher at the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS). His name is Frank Hoogerbeets. On February 3rd he predicted that a 7.5 magnitude earthquake would hit Turkey’s south central portion, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. He even stated that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake would hit Turkey, and further said that it was to be followed by massive aftershocks. His predictions had a success rate of 100%. Although he was scorned prior to the disaster, he received massive following in social media in the aftermath. How did a Dutch expert so accurately predict the earthquake in Turkey? On February 5th, besides the Hoogerbeets’ warning, unusual sightings of blue light (earthquake light) were seen on the day prior to the earthquake. According to NASA’s Ames Research Center’s Professor Friedemann Freund, these blue lights could have different colors, forms, and durations. Some might just flash for a moment, others could be as long as ten minutes.
Freund and his team wondered if the “earthquake lights” were the result of an electrical charge produced by a certain type of rock under great tectonic stress. It was discovered in 2001 that triboluminescence was due to the fact that rocks could become semiconductors during a telluric movement or movement of the earth. As a powerful seismic wave travels through the ground, it compresses the rocks with great pressure and speed, creating conditions under which large amounts of positive and negative electrical charges are generated. These charges can travel together, reaching what is called a plasma state, which can explode and shoot into the air. (https://groundreport.in/what-is-earthquake-light-that-seen-in-turkey-before-massive-jolt) This also explained why blackouts happened subsequently after the blue lights were seen.
If people had taken heed of the warning and prepared accordingly, though they might experience some loss of possessions of property, at least their family would have been spared! Most of the time people only have a 20/20 vision in hindsight; therefore prophets in the Old Testament were often mocked or ridiculed. Jesus even questioned his contemporaries that He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does” (Luke 12:54). In the same way, in this day with tremendous technological advances, we can predict with a higher percentage of certainty when earthquakes will hit. However, we don’t seem to be able to discern when the endtime is coming.
In the midst of the rubbles, a newborn baby girl was miraculously rescued; however, her mother could not be saved. This tragic scene reminded us of Luke 13:17-18: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does.” These verses state that if these disasters happened in winter, the suffering would be immeasurable! Jesus had another prophecy: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains” (Mark 13:8). Aren’t we all seeing an increased frequency in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes around the world?
Speaking of blue light, Jesus said, “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:27). This states that in the future there will be a universal blue light. It will come when you are the least expecting it. The blue light will cause outages and shutdowns, causing imminent disasters and catastrophes. “For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3). Who can escape the wrath and judgment of God? Dear friends, prophecies have made clear that the end times are coming. Jesus’ warning is akin to the prophet’s earthquake warning. Those who accept Jesus and believe Him will escape God’s judgment. Do you want to accept Jesus? Then pray the following prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe in your prophecies. I also believe that you died for our sins and rose again on the third day. Please save my soul and free me from the bondage of sin so that I will have eternal life. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · February 1, 2023
兔子的地位不但在民間成為名駒的代名詞,更成了登月的「玉兔」!這隻「玉兔」就是在中秋節的傳說中站在嫦娥身邊搗藥的「月兔」,由於嫦娥是服了長生之藥而升天的,所以「玉兔」就會在月圓時搗著「長生不老之藥」,這樣「玉兔」豈不又升級成為ㄧ隻「長生」的「兔神兔仙」了嗎?因此古代的詩人也常以「玉兔」來象徵月亮,在民間的剪紙中更有「蛇盤兔」的吉祥圖案,並且常用於婚禮中,象徵男女愛情的和諧,期盼未來婚姻的幸福將如同「蛇盤兔、必定富」!但是形像狡滑狠毒的「蛇」為何與良善溫順的兔子在一起就代表富貴呢?根據山西省藝術館(Shanxi Art Museum)於1986年5月23日的專刊所記:「在原始社會,相傳以蛇為符號的部落與以兔為符號的兩個部落產生了矛盾互相廝殺。幸虧兩位明智的酋長憐惜生靈,通過談判,取得和好,併合為一個部落,興旺發達強盛起來。從此“蛇兔團結”傳為佳話,還編出了“蛇盤兔,必定富”的諺語,流傳至今,作為美滿幸福的象徵,用於男婚女嫁。」(https://baike.baidu.hk/item/蛇盤兔/8870782)蛇與兔也可以作為邪惡與良善的象徵,表明:「縱使在我們的生活中常會遇到邪惡如蛇一般的盤據在我們周圍,但是我們只要在心中持守著如兔子一般的純潔良善,透過愛的力量,就能夠勝過邪惡,化敵為友,最終必帶來最後的和平與幸福!」
我們再來看看古人如何將兔子分配在十二個時辰之中呢?就是「卯」時,是在清晨五點至七點,正是太陽出來的時候,因為兔子總是會在這時出窩,喜歡吃帶有晨露的青草,故為「卯兔」,如果兔子在空間上從地上捨己的犧牲變成飛到天上長生不死的「玉兔」,在時間上又是排在「一日之計在於晨」的卯時,這「卯兔」所象徵意義就更加深遠了!根據《說文解字》(Shuo Wen Jie Zi):「卯:冒也。二月,萬物冒地而出。象開門之形。故二月為天門」意思是指,「這個時辰是萬物從地裡冒出來的時候,字的形象好像是一對門的形狀,這時辰所代表的二月就是如同「天門」大開。」在農曆的二月又稱花月,是一年開頭的春季,象徵大地生命的復始,這樣我們就從「卯兔」所象徵萬有生命的智慧追索到長生不死的「天門」前了,原來古人藉著兔年文化隱藏了一個關於永生信仰的奧秘!
The Wisdom and Belief Behind the Year of the Rabbit
by Admin · February 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
2023’s Lunar New Year occurs earlier than previous years’ dates, which coincides with a hare’s spirit of swiftness and brevity. People in ancient China viewed the hare with exceptionally rich and complex imagination. According to folklore, there are numerous tales associated with the hare. For example, in the twelve animals of the Zodiac, other than the six farm raised animals such as the cow, sheep, pig, horse, dog, and rooster, the hare was added to the lot. Since horses symbolized a nation’s military prowess, they were more valuable compared to other animals so they couldn’t be offered at the altar for their gods. Thus the hare became a substitute for the horse, since it’s thought to be swift and quick like a horse would be. No one can argue with the tastiness of roasted rabbit meat! Thus the hare became a suitable replacement for the horse, as evident in Chinese idioms such as “sacrifice for the sake of the horse” and “the hare substitutes the horse”. Among the seven horses of the emperor, Qingshi Huangdi, the second horse was named “White Rabbit”. In the “History of Three Kingdoms”, there was a red rabbit who became a general’s “righteous horse”, because after the owner died the rabbit refused to eat and died as well. Ancient Chinese even claimed that a red rabbit is luckier than a white rabbit! There is even an idiom that compares a rabbit’s swiftness is comparable to a horse, with an almost supernatural like quality.
The rabbit’s status not only is synonymous with a famous hound in folklore, it is also a bejeweled animal that ascended to the moon! In the Mid Autumn Festival legend of Lady Chang’e, the rabbit is always beside Chang’e concocting potions. Because Chang’e drank the elixir of immortality and ascended to the moon, the rabbit would create the same elixir at every full moon, making it a mystical and immortal animal. Ancient poets would use rabbits to symbolize the moon. In the art of paper cutting a symbol of “rabbit in a snake bowl” would bring good luck, and it’s often used in Chinese weddings to represent the harmony between husband and wife. You might wonder how a cunning snake can be yoked with an innocent rabbit to represent harmony? According to the Shanxi Art Museum’s periodical published on May 23, 1986, in indigenous societies, a legend said that a tribe with a snake symbol and a tribe with a rabbit symbol became enemies and were set on destroying one another. Luckily, leaders of both tribes compromised and reconcilated, joined forces and became one large tribe that fortified and thrived. Thus the idiom of “snake in unity with the rabbit” and the “rabbit in snake bowl” symbol has always become popular to represent the ideal of a marriage. The snake and rabbit can also represent good and evil. Even in the midst of evil we can uphold the purity of heart as symbolized by the rabbit, that through the power of love, one can overcome evil, turn enemies into friends, and bring everlasting joy and peace.
To sum up, we can observe the rich symbolism of rabbits in folklore and history:
1. The rabbit of the twelve zodiac symbolized the idea of sacrifice.
2. Emperor Qingchi HuangDi’s rabbit represents purity and refinement.
3. General Guan Yu’s rabbit represents courage and loyalty.
4. The rabbit in folklore represents someone who is wise and swift.
5. The rabbit of the Mid-Autumn festival represents a brightly lit moon and eternity.
6. The rabbit in marriage customs represents love and kindness.
Let’s look at how the ancient Chinese designated the rabbit among the different time periods of a day. The “mao” rabbit was assigned the hours of “mao”, specifically the morning hours from 5 am to 7 am. It coincides with the time the sun rises, which is usually the time when the rabbits come out of their burrows and look for fresh grass. A Chinese dictionary states that the character “mao” (卯)represents a heavenly door in the shape of a pair of doors, allowing life to rise and thrive. It represents the second solar month i.e, February, which signifies the return of life and the coming of the spring season. As we see how the wellspring, wisdom, and mystery of life all stem from this heavenly door, we see how the idea of eternity and faith directly tie to this concept of ‘mao’.
The hidden mystery inside the rabbit can be viewed through the lens of our savior Jesus Christ:
1. The zodiac’s rabbit represents the idea of sacrifice akin to Jesus’ sacrifice for mankind.
2. Emperor Qingshi HuangDi’s rabbit represents purity and nobility, similar to Jesus’ holiness and purity.
3. General Guan Yu’s red rabbit represents courage and faithfulness akin to Jesus’ righteousness and defeat of evil.
4. The swiftness in folklore’s rabbit is similar to Jesus’ otherworldly abilities.
5. Mid-autumn’s rabbit’s immortality is akin to Jesus’ defeat of death.
6. The rabbit represented in marriage represents to love and kindness of Jesus.
7. The ‘mao’ rabbit of the early sunrise hours represents Jesus’ resurrection on the third day, opening the doors to heaven to those who believe, akin to those who accept Jesus will have eternal life.
It is evident that the rabbit’s significance in Chinese culture is akin to the fact that the sacrificial Jesus who gave up his life for our sins, died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected during the “mao” hours of dawn!
Are you ready to accept Jesus Christ who will rescue your soul so that you may enter the gates of heaven? If you are, pray the following with me: “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for using the year of the rabbit and its cultural and historical significance to teach us the wisdom — the wisdom and mystery of your plan of salvation. I accept your salvation and give my life to you. May my spirit enter into eternity with you. I pray this sincerely in the name of Jesus, AMEN.”
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · January 1, 2023
我們的人生豈不也是經過了各種競賽嗎?人從出生開始就要被醫生測量體重與進行各種健康的檢查,父母常喜愛把自己的嬰兒與別家的嬰兒作比較,然後就開始為孩童準備各類的訓練與競賽,從進名校、選名師起,直到選職業、找對象等,無不充滿著人與人之間的競爭與比賽!我們的一生就如同一場無形又殘酷的競賽,無情的社會充滿了弱肉強食與淘汰!甚至在許多的賽場上,還有可能遭遇不公正的規則與裁判,更有無數人為贏得比賽而不則手段,因著人心詭詐、人性墮落,道德淪喪,使得這個世界充滿許多的罪惡! 如果人死如燈滅,死後又沒有上帝公義的審判,世人就不需要遵行道德的規範與良心的準則,這世界就會任由惡人所敗壞,許多人的生活就如同活在人間地獄之中!因為人無論是行惡或行善,如果結局都是虛無的話,就沒有比賽最終的成績與最後的頒獎了。
但是聖經卻告訴我們:「按著定命、人人都有一死、死後且有審判」(希伯來書 9:27 )。人生在世雖然如同一場無形又殘酷的競賽,但在人生的競賽結束後,必要面對上帝的審判,「因為我們成了一臺戲,給世人和天使觀看。」(哥林多前書 4:9)「祂必照各人的行為報應各人。」(羅馬書 2:6 )各位親愛的朋友們,我們各人既然都要在人生的競賽之後向上帝交出最終的成積,我們是否應當在生前盡早認識祂,向祂悔改,憑著祂所賜給我們的良心,過一個討祂喜悅的生活呢?
From World Cup to the Race of Life
by Admin · January 1, 2023
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
This year’s world cup, the 22nd one since its inception, was hosted for the first time in a Muslim country –namely Qatar. Since 2002’s world cup in Korea, this is the second time the world cup has been held in Asia. Qatar also beats Switzerland in being the host country with the smallest surface area. However, during the opening game of Ecuador vs. Qatar, Qatar stumbled into a defeat, breaking from the tradition of host countries winning home games. Over the past decade, Qatar has invested and prepared to take a foothold on the world sports scene. Despite criticism from the western media, Qatar has hosted nearly 600 athletic meets and competitions to steadily establish and solidify its Arabic culture and influence globally. As COVID-19’s restrictions eased, tourists from all over the world flocked to Qatar to attend the games, which cost nearly $220 million. Neighboring nations like Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia welcome thousands of tourists, leading to a surge in flight and hotel bookings, leading the Middle East into a wave and surge in tourism. Why does the world cup have such a ripple effect and draws so many spectators?
Stretching back to the ancient times, in every culture or country, whether you are a king or a peasant, people simply love to spectate different kinds of sports and competitions. Kings or emperors would use the victories of competitions to boast their self-importance and the country’s prowess. Constituents would likewise be entertained by these competitions, and even idolize or bet on these competitors! Whether we are talking about the Kentucky Derby, the Daytona 500, the Olympics, or the World Cup—if we remove the competitive aspects of them and just view the athletes or events as simply entertainment, this will lose the interest of spectators. Therefore, the rules of the game, the fairness of the referees, the prize money, the competitors’ performance, and the sponsors become how victory is decided.
Aren’t our lives like a competition too? Since the moment you were born, your weight has been measured and you would have gone through years of being compared with other children, and your parents will prepare you for all sorts of competitions, whether it is to get into a good school, a decent job, a suitable mate. Life is full of competitions and our society tends to reward the strong and mighty and ignore the weak. Sometimes we might face injustice or judgment, or get sidelined due to cheating. The moral decay and sinful nature of mankind fills this world with darkness and grief! If there is no judgment after death, then there is simply no incentive for people to lead decent and moral lives. Life on earth would be the same as in hell! If what we do now has no bearing on what’s to come, then there is no need for us to try the best.
“Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment…” (Hebrews 9:27) Even though life can feel like a treacherous journey, we still have to face the final judgment with God. (1 Corinthians 4:9; Romans 2:6)
Dear friends, we ought to give our best to each competition, confess our sins, and lead a life that honors God.
by Admin · December 1, 2022
Life & Death? A Choice in a Crowd!
by Admin · December 1, 2022
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
According to yahoo news, on October 29 in Itaewon, South Korea, one hundred thousand revelers who gathered to celebrate Halloween were caught in a crowd crush, leading to hundreds of fatalities and injuries. President Took Suk-Yeol declared a weeklong mourning as well as a thorough investigation into the tragic incident.
Another recent incident happened in the beginning of October in Java, Indonesia, when a soccer game’s conclusion led the spectators to rush to the few available exits, which led to a stampede resulting in a death toll of 135 people including dozens of children. Looking back in previous incidents of deadly stampedes, the most tragic one was during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca where thousands were crushed and died. The death toll of stampedes are staggering: in 1990, 1,426 died; in 2004, 244 died; and in 2015, 2,411 died. Why do these tragedies keep occurring?
When the density of crowds exceeds the typical personal space required between individuals, it means the chance of people fainting from lack of oxygen increases. When someone falls to the ground, it quickly leads to a crowd crush that leads to an unspeakable tragedy. Ironically many of those who are crushed do not know what was the initial cause of the stampede, and suddenly see death knocking on the door.
In the Bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 says: “While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” And in Proverbs 14:12, it says: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
In the tragedy in Itaewon, many grief stricken parents did not expect to never see their children again when they went out for a night of fun! At the scene of the stampede, one lone police officer shouted for the crowd to disperse and move away because there were some who were trampled to death. Some questioned his command, some even went in the direction the officer explicitly stated to move away from. Those who followed the officer’s warning were spared from the crowd crush, while others who doubted the officer were killed. As the officer reminisced about that night’s horrific scene, he trembled at the vision of the dead staring at him, and wondered if he had made a wiser decision, he could have saved more lives. Netizens who noted the lone police officer’s bravery said that it is admirable for him to be the lone voice of reason in the midst of ignorant revelers.
Dear friends, aren’t we like those party goers, ignorantly blissful but venturing on a path to death eventually? Isaiah 53:6 says: “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
Just like the police officer, Jesus also warns his listeners:
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.” (Luke 21:34)
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
“Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” (Luke 13:24)
“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7)
Please take heed of Jesus’ call and repent!
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · November 1, 2022
有一個代號為Dart的「雙小行星改道測試」(Double Asteroid Redirection Test)任務是於美東時間9月26日晚上7時14分成功地撞擊目標小行星迪莫弗斯(Dimorphos),據《世界日報》報導:這次太空任務的成功「是人類史上首次實驗能否以人力干預太陽系引力,使預定會撞上地球的小行星偏離軌道的測試,驗證日後若有小行星或彗星對地球構成威脅時,撞走小行星救地球是否可行。根據NASA資料,航天器以時速1萬5000哩的速度撞擊小行星迪莫弗斯,落地時重力約1210磅,理論上足以在該行星地表上造成一個隕石坑,將其速度改變1%,但不會粉碎;不過此次撞擊是否確實改變了迪莫弗斯的軌跡、改變幅度多少,還需要數天甚至數周的觀察才能確定。」(https://tw.news.yahoo.com/nasa昨晚測試撞擊小行星成功—供日後地球防禦做準備)。為什麼美國太空總署要執行這項任務呢?太空總署首席科學家、資深氣候顧問凱薩琳.卡爾文(Katherine Calvin)說:「小行星若撞擊地球,必然會改變生態系統並導致物種滅絕;恐龍時代可沒有太空計劃幫牠們預知小行星撞擊,但我們有,因此DART的測試,為我們演示了未來如何避免潛在危險及保護地球免受影響。」(同上)換句話說,人類在登陸月球的偉大成果之後,可以繼續發展成千上萬個太空實驗計劃,但是只要有一顆小行星從外太空撞入地球的事件發生,就足以造成地球毀滅的末日結局!因此人類的太空科技必須能夠建立一套保護地球的「行星防禦」系統,才是人類文明與生態環境得以保存的首要任務!也許有人認為這種事情發生的機率簡直是微乎其微,只有科幻電影才會嚇唬那些沒有天文知識的人,何必杞人憂天呢?
讓我們察看最近一次在2013年2月15日,俄羅斯車里雅賓斯克(Chelyabinsk)地區所發生百年來震驚全球最大規模的隕石爆炸事件,這是第1次因為隕石而造成大量人員受傷。「這次隕石爆炸事件是繼1908年西伯利亞的通古斯加大爆炸(Tunguska event)後最大規模的隕石撞擊事件,並首次有大量影像紀錄隕石墜落過程。美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)預估這次隕石直徑約為17公尺,爆炸規模相當於50萬噸黃色炸藥,或是30顆廣島原子彈。或許看起來很驚人,但是在隕石撞擊規模中,這次事件只能算是小不點。以通古斯加大爆炸來說,那次隕石的直徑約為50公尺,爆炸夷平了2000多平方公里的森林,相當於整個「新北市」的面積。若隕石直徑達到1公里,便有可能徹底毀滅人類文明。」(參看《飛來橫禍:隕石浩劫》作者李柏昱 ,國立臺灣大學 地理環境資源學系) )因此,NASA早在1998年就開始尋找直徑超過1公里的近地天體 (near-Earth objects, NEO),雖然已經發現90%此類規模的天體,但其中沒有任何1顆會撞上地球。可是仍然有10%以及直徑小於1公里以下,或是140公尺以下的隕石,因為天體直徑越小,就越難觀測。「然而,直徑數十至數百公尺的隕石雖然不至於威脅人類文明存續,但是仍足以造成極大的破壞。平均而言,類似這次俄羅斯事件的撞擊規模,約數十年至100年便會發生1次。」(參看《飛來橫禍:隕石浩劫》作者李柏昱 )
目前最引起天文學家關注的小行星是「混沌之神」(God of Chaos),這個直徑三百公尺的小行星「99942 阿波菲斯」(99942 Apophis),即將於2029年4月13日經過地球軌道,根據NASA預測,「2029年阿波菲斯繞行太陽經過的位置,只距離地球約3萬1900公里,儘管這是一個相當安全的數字,但這仍和我們與月亮的距離相比,少了將近12倍之多,因此天文學家都認為,這是一個近距離觀測阿波菲斯的良好時機。而儘管阿波菲斯撞擊地球的可能性不高,但兩者若真的發生碰撞,根據公式計算,極有可能爆發出相當於1480兆噸TNT炸藥的威力,比美國在日本廣島投下原子彈的爆炸能量大出11.4萬倍。」(《Space.com》:https://reurl.cc/l0y05A)然而,至今尚無人能估計在這小行星經過地球之後的4月14日那天將會有什麼災難發生? 根據聖經的預言:「眾星要從天上墜落、天勢都要震動。」(馬可福音 13:25)
The DART Mission & Apocalyptic Crisis
by Admin · November 1, 2022
Author: Pastor Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA has a Double Asteroid Redirection Test or DART mission that successfully changed the orbit of an asteroid named Dimorphos by intentionally smashing into it on September 26th at 7:14 pm EST. This space mission success demonstrates that humans can take action to deflect a potentially deadly asteroid approaching the planet (Tim Fernholz). The space probe’s speed of approximately 15,000-per hour collision with Dimorphos with an impact of 1210 pounds which left a crater and altered its speed by 1 percent but did not obliterate it entirely. How this impacts Dimorphos’ orbit will need further evaluation from the data collected. When asked why NASA is engaging in such missions, its chief scientist Katherine Calvin said, “if an asteroid hits the earth, it will alter its ecosystem and cause extinction of different species. Dinosaurs didn’t have a space program to help them know what was coming, but we do. DART allows us to prevent potentially life-threatening asteroids from colliding with earth.” In other words, even as humans have made great strides in landing on the moon, and ultimately continue to expand their space endeavors, when one asteroid hits the earth, it will be of apocalyptic proportions. Therefore it’s important to have a plan to prevent or divert asteroid collisions on earth. Some might think the chance of this is nearly zero, and it is a ploy to use these pseudo science fiction movie scenarios to frighten those who are novice about astronomy. Why do we worry so much?
Let us look at a recent event that occurred in 2013. On February 15 in Chelyabinski Oblast of Russia, an object exploded in a meteor air burst, the largest ever recorded on earth, following the 1908 Tunguska event near Siberia. The Chelyabinski meteor had lots of recorded footage documenting its descent onto earth. NASA predicted this meteor would be 17 meters wide and would explode with the energy of approximately 500 kilotons of explosives, similar to 30 Hiroshima nuclear explosions. It might seem astonishing but the Tunguska meteor’s diameter was 50 meters, impacting an area of 2000 square km, akin to the size of New Taipei City. Meteoras 1 km in diameter would obliterate the entire human civilization.
What currently draws astrophysicists’ attention is the 99942 Apophis. It is predicted to enter the earth’s atmosphere on April 13, 2029. According to NASA, Apophis will be about 32000 km away from earth. It appears to be a relatively safe distance but compared to the moon, Apophis will be 12 times closer to earth compared to the moon. This gives a great opportunity to observe the meteor up close. Though it is unlikely that Apophis will strike the earth’s surface, its impact, should it collide with the earth, would equate to 114,000 times the impact of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima. Still, no one can predict what will happen on April 14, 2029, the day after Apophis passes the earth. According to the Bible “But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.” (Matthew 13:25) Would this be Jesus’ prophecy about the apocalyptic event that might not happen in 2029, but perhaps in a few decades? Scientists have a planetary defense for our planet. Do you have a defense plan for your spiritual life? Though we might not encounter death and destruction caused by a meteor in our lifetime, what will happen when we die— where does our spirit go when our body dies? Only will we enter eternal life if we trust in Jesus. Are you ready to accept our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ?
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · October 1, 2022
由於全球暖化的效應,美國最大的人工湖「米德湖」(Lake Mead)因乾旱的緣故,而出現自1937年以來最低水位,只剩下百分之27的水量,由於水位的下降,近幾個月以來,不斷地有浮屍被人發現!警方根據五月ㄧ日所接獲的案件是一個人被槍殺後而棄屍在鐵桶中,然後再被拋入湖底的,估計是發生在1970~80年間的謀殺案。這片位於內華達州面積達600多平方公里的湖,不僅要為2500萬人供應水,還有周邊農田灌溉、旅遊服務的重要人工湖。如今被人發現內有好幾具的浮屍,實在駭人聽聞,不但如此,在七月一日更發現一艘在第二次世界大戰期間被擊沉的登陸艇!這艘船曾被人發現在湖面185英尺以下,如今也已浮出水面了!專家估計過往約有三百多人喪命於湖中,到底還有多少未知的「沉屍」尚有待觀察之中!
以上的新聞再次向世人顯明一個事實:「隱藏的事沒有不被顯露出來的」、「隱藏在水底的邪惡總有浮出水面的一天!」主耶穌基督早在兩千年前向世人宣告說:「掩蓋的事、沒有不露出來的;隱藏的事、沒有不被人知道的。因此你們在暗中所說的、將要在明處被人聽見.在內室附耳所說的、將要在房上被人宣揚。」(路加福音12:2-3)為什麼耶穌基督會說出如此的話呢?因祂這話是指著人人都必將會在死後面臨上帝的審判,到那時候我們各人在世間所行的一切事情都必顯明出來,這句話也同時告訴我們人人都有一個永恆不滅的靈魂,人在今生所經歷過的一切事物都記存在自己的靈魂之中,到了死後就會被播放出來,就好像如今的電腦能夠在各地從「雲端」與「網路」下載那些曾經儲存過的資訊一樣。為甚麼上帝要如此審判世人呢? 祂審判的標準是甚麼呢?審判的結果又如何呢?
這些問題的解答可以從這次的「湖內浮屍案件」舉例說明,當初犯案的人以為自己雖然違反了律法,只要把一切殺人的證據隱藏起來就可以逍遙法外了,但是任何一個國家與社會都有法律的制裁,各人都當遵守道德的規範,世人都有與生俱來的「良心」,能夠辨別良善與邪惡,做出合法的選擇,因此無論何人觸犯了法律,即使當時無人知曉,只要罪案浮出水面,就必面臨執法部門的追查,在歷史中豈不是有許多兇殺案都已將罪犯逮捕歸案並且公審行刑了嗎?如果世上的法律還有其公義與公理,人間總有道德良善的準則,何況賜人良心的上帝豈不也將憑祂的聖潔、公義與良善來審判世人嗎?世上所有惡人即使能夠在今生逃避法律的制裁,但是他們的靈魂也絕對無法在永世之中逃過上帝的審判!所以我們要從這次湖水乾涸而顯出屍骨的事件,就知道我們今生的「湖水」也會有「見底」的一天!正如聖經所說:「因為人所作的事、連一切隱藏的事、無論是善是惡、 神都必審問。」(傳道書12:14)神審判的結果又將會如何呢?
Floating Corpses on Lake Mead
by Admin · October 1, 2022
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
Due to a global warming trend, Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake in the US, has a water level at 27% of its capacity, the lowest ever recorded since 1937 due to unusual drought conditions. Because of the receding water level, many corpses have been discovered! On May 1st, the police discovered a gun homicide victim possibly in the 1970’s or 80’s that was abandoned in a barrel and discarded in the lake. This Nevada lake has a surface area of over 600 square kilometers. Not only does it provide water for 25 million people, agriculture, but also the tourism industry nearby depends on it. The discovery of corpses certainly is shocking, but on July 1st a WWII era Higgins landing craft emerged as the water level shrank in Lake Mead! Experts predict there were possibly 300 people who perished in the lake, and can only guess how many more corpses will be found in the future!
The news above reveals an obvious truth: Hidden things will eventually be exposed, and whatever evil that lurks beneath the surface will be revealed someday! Two thousand years ago, Jesus said: “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” (Luke 12:2-3) Why would Jesus say this? It’s because all will face the judgment of God when they die, and any deed done during one’s lifetime will be revealed. It’s like every act will leave an imprint on our soul, and when death comes all will be exposed–just like all your information is stored in a cloud. Why does Jesus judge us? What standard does He base on? And what is the result of the judgement?
We can answer these questions based on the Lake Mead news. Offenders might think they are free from the law’s consequences if the crime’s evidence is hidden. There are laws in every country and every society. Everyone obeys and abides by it. It is expected that people are guided by conscience and morality. So even after evidence is hidden, once it surfaces, the suspect will be persecuted. The Bible says: “For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
Jesus said:
“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life… and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.”
John 5:24, 29
Dear friend, are you righteous or evil or both? How do you know you are righteous before the eyes of God? You might think that you are a decent person who has not committed serious crimes and you should be able to go to heaven, but the Bible says:
“Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.”
1 John 3:15
“But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”
Matthew 5:22
“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Matthew 5:28
Can you say that you have no inkling of evil or selfish thoughts in your life?
According to our human nature, no one meets the standard of God. Therefore we need God’s grace and forgiveness. Confess your sins and accept his salvation. Plant a seed of righteousness in your soul, so that on judgment day you will be saved! God had sent His only son to die for our sins so we can escape the wrath we deserve. He made a way for those who confess and trust in Him.
Do you want to follow the holy, kind, and righteous God? Then pray the following: Dear heavenly father, I know that nothing can be hidden from you. All my deeds in this lifetime will not escape your judgment. Please forgive my trespasses and I want to accept Jesus and receive eternal life. I want to follow your will. I pray this sincerely in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · September 1, 2022
當俄烏戰爭仍然在如火如荼地進行之時,歐洲不但要面臨能源危機,更要面臨與日俱增的難民潮危機,但是更令人震驚的是打破歷史紀錄的熱浪!據BBC的報導:「在葡萄牙,最近一日溫度已高達攝氏47度。在英國,英格蘭部分地區發出了極端高溫的紅色警報。英國周一(7月18日)和隔日,部分地區溫度可能達到創紀錄的攝氏41度。英國布里斯托爾大學的氣候科學家尤尼斯·羅博士(Eunice Lo)向BBC說:「氣溫上升是氣候變化的一個標誌」。在英國,每年有2000人因熱浪而死。她說, 自1884年以來,英國年度最熱的前10名都發生在2002年之後。「現在全球熱浪正變得越來越普遍,持續時間也越來越長。」(BBC 勞倫斯·彼得 Laurence Peter 2022年7月18日,https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/world-62206897)這次熱浪引起各地發生嚴重的森林大火,「法國將另外22個地區省份,主要是大西洋沿岸的省份,置於高度橙色警報狀態。一位法國西南部的居民將森林大火描述為 「後世界末日」的感覺。因為,大火已經燒燬了那裡約10,500公頃的土地。」(BBC 勞倫斯·彼得Laurence Peter 2022年7月18日)
英國氣象局證實這次熱浪創下近350年來的高溫紀錄!聯合國衛生組織WHO歐洲區域主任克魯格(Hans Kluge)指出,歐洲各地的熱浪已對當地人的健康與生存構成嚴重威脅,「中暑或是任何因體溫調節失衡導致的高熱,都有可能帶來痛苦甚至致死,而那些健康有問題的族群、嬰幼兒和長者面臨的風險更高」。(https://www.ettoday.net/news/20220723/2300593.htm)我們從以上的報導可以看到全球溫室效應所造成的嚴重後果,再次印證聖經預言在世界末日之前所出現大災難的其中一個現象:「末日太陽之火必將烤人」這就是指在末世時代的太陽照射在地球表面的溫度高升,到了可以「烤肉」的地步!聖經說:「第四位天使把碗倒在日頭上,叫日頭能用火烤人。」(啟示錄 16:8)在這句預言中所指示的「日頭」因「天使之碗」而發生了劇烈的變化,以致產生極端的熱浪,「人被大熱所烤、就褻瀆那有權掌管這些災的 神之名、並不悔改將榮耀歸給 神。」(啟示錄 16:9 )
我們的世界真的有可能會發生這種事情嗎?根據《新科學》New Scientist 的報導,如果有一顆足夠大的慧星撞向太陽,它就會因太陽的引力而加速旋轉至每秒六百公里,迅速被壓平而消失,並釋放出紫外線、X 射線與能量,它只會在太陽表面極小的區域如同一個核爆,但這只是一種推測,科學家們對未來仍然無法確定其後果。 (24 July 2015 By Joshua Sokol,https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27954-what-would-happen-if-a-massive-comet-crashed-into-the-sun/)我們實在難以想像,萬一從外太空出現大量巨大的星群闖入太陽系,造成太陽黑子活動的增加,釋放大量太陽風暴!如果未來不會出現來自大自然界的天文事件,但在神的偉大能力掌管之下,人類未來也無法逃避這「日頭烤人」之災!
聖經告訴我們:「我們的 神要來、決不閉口.有烈火在祂面前吞滅、有暴風在祂四圍大颳。」(詩篇 50:3)有一天祂必要來審判這個世界,凡相信神的兒子耶穌基督的人才能得到靈魂的拯救,但是不認識祂的人,就要被「扔在火湖裡。這火湖就是第二次的死。」(啟示錄 20:14)各位親愛的朋友們,我們從全球的熱浪看到未來烤人的太陽,再提到各人必將面臨審判的結局,「就是第二次死的火湖」!您是否願意相信耶穌基督的拯救,趁早預備好自己迎見這位永恆的主宰呢?如果您願意的話,可以做以下的禱告:「天父上帝啊!我感謝祢的大愛,讓我從世界的困惑中看見耶穌基督的光輝,我願意誠心誠意地接受耶穌基督為我的救主, 赦免我一生的過犯,使我的靈魂得救,在今生享受豐盛的生命,在永世享受永生,我這樣誠心誠意的禱告,是奉主耶穌基督的名,阿們!」
Heat Wave & Doomsday
by Admin · September 1, 2022
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
While the conflict in Ukraine continues to rage on, Europe not only is facing a crisis in energy scarcity, but also a flood of refugee resettlement issues. However, the most shocking devastation is the record breaking heat wave across Western Europe. According to the BBC, Portugal had a record high temperature of 47 degrees Celsius. In Great Britain, certain regions issued extreme heat warnings. On July 19 of 2022, a few regions in UK have reached a record temperature of 40.3 degrees Celsius. Dr. Eunice Lo, a climate scientist of the University of Bristol told BBC that rising temperatures is a sign of climate change. Every year 2000 people die of heat related deaths. Since 1884, the ten hottest summers all happened after 2002. According to Dr. Lo global heat waves are more common and have persisted for a longer duration. This heat wave also caused severe forest fires; France has placed 22 of its regions mostly along the Atlantic shoreline on high orange alert. A resident of the Southwestern part of France claimed the forest fires were post-apocalyptic. The fires had already decimated 10,500 hectares (26,000 acres) of land (Laurence Peter, BBC reporter, July 18, 2022).
The British meteorological agency announced that this heat wave had set a record high temperature in the last 350 years. The World Health Organization regional director Hans Kluge pointed out that the heatwaves across Europe have already threatened the health and viability of those impacted. Heat stroke or other conditions due to inability to regulate body temperature, will cause pain, even death, and is more prone in young children or the elderly. From all the reports listed above, it is evident that the global greenhouse effect causes dire circumstances. This corresponds to one of the biblical signs of the end times. It means, the temperature will rise extremely high and the heat from the sun is hot enough to incinerate a human’s flesh. In the book of Revelations 16:8 it states “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.” In this prophecy, the angel poured out the vial onto the sun. This caused dramatic changes hence extreme waves. “They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.” (Revelations 16:9)
Will this truly happen on earth? According to a report in New Scientist by Joshua Sokol, if a large enough comet crashed into the sun,” the steep fall into the sun’s gravity would accelerate it to more than 600 kilometer per second. At that speed, the drag from the sun’s lower atmosphere would flatten the comet into a pancake right before it exploded in an airburst, releasing ultraviolet radiation and X-rays that we could see with modern instruments. The crash would unleash as much energy as a magnetic flare or coronal mass ejection, but over a much smaller area.”This is only a speculation, scientists have yet to accurately predict what would actually occur. It is hard for us to imagine stars crashing into the sun and releasing many solar flares. Even if this does not occur in the future, expect this to be an unavoidable fate.
“Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him, and around him a tempest rages.” (Psalms psalm 50:3) God will come and judge this world, and those who believe in Jesus will have their souls saved. Those who don’t know Jesus will be “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.” (Revelations 20:14). Dear friends, from the recent heat waves, we can see, in the future, the scorching sun potentially harmful to everyone. Are you willing to accept Jesus and prepare yourself to meet with the eternal God? If so, please pray this prayer. “Dear God, I thank you for your love. Let me see your glory in the midst of confusion. I sincerely accept Jesus as my personal Savior and ask for His forgiveness, so that I may receive eternal life. In Jesus’s name I pray, amen.”
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · August 1, 2022
在美國華州的一名高中橄欖球教練喬·肯尼迪(Joe Kennedy) 曾在執教第一場球賽之前(2008年) 向神發出禱告的承諾:「每一場比賽後,無論輸贏,我都會為我有機會成為一名美式足球教練,以及我所有的球員感恩。」(https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/football-coach-joe-kennedy-prayer-sideline-fighting-game)他對神感恩的方式是在每場球賽結束後,走到球場的中央,在公眾面前向神跪下,做一個簡短的感恩禱告。他七年以來都如此勇敢地表達個人信仰的見證,獲得了學校師長們的稱讚,但卻引起學區的關注與警告,先是警告他只可以自己禱告,不能帶領球員一起禱告,後來又發佈新政策,禁止他在別人能夠看到他的地方祈禱!結果在2015年10月的一場球賽前,學區向他發出了最後通牒,他若是在賽後仍然走到球場中央下跪祈禱的話,就會被停職與解雇!但是喬·肯尼迪在那天晚上依然謹守他對神的承諾,照常公開祈禱,他的教練生涯也就因此隨著那場球賽而結束!
他的失業並不是因為他的失職,也不是因為他在道德上與法律上犯了什麼罪行,他在公眾場所公開的祈禱乃是一種個人信仰的表達,並沒有對任何人造成傷害與損失,為什麼在美國這一個向來尊重個人信仰與言論自由的國家,竟然會在公立學校的學區中出現「禁止教職人員公開禱告」的禁令呢?難道教師與教練必須把個人的信仰當作是一個「不可讓人發現的秘密」,一但被學生看見的話,就是嚴重「犯規」了呢?難道一個簡單的禱告行為就要遭受被解雇的懲罰嗎?是否公眾禱告的行為只限於牧師或神父,只有在類似總統就職典禮上舉行才算是「合法」的呢?喬·肯尼迪就是在未經「當局」的許可下,因此付上了失業的代價,但是他始終堅守自己信仰的立場與見證,也確信美國憲法所賦與人民在信仰與言論上的自由,在「第一自由協會」(First Liberty Institute) 的幫助下,他的狀告上了地方法院,最後竟然告到最高法院,轉眼之間又過了艱難的七年!在2022年6月27日最高法院以六比三裁定喬·肯尼迪勝訴,他在公眾場合的禱告乃是信仰自由的表達,不應受到被解雇的遭遇!他雖然因為謹守對神的承諾而付出失業的代價,但是神也還給他一個清白與法律上的勝利!他七年的禱告見證,換來七年的法律訴訟,但這十四年忍耐的結果,卻是神的榮耀被彰顯與信徒禱告的勝利!
在聖經中曾有一位先知但以理,他雖身為當時帝國的一位總長,卻堅守一日三次雙膝下跪向神祈禱,後來因同僚的忌妒而利用大利烏王立下「禁令」,將違反「禁令」的祈禱者扔進獅子坑,結果但以理因堅持每日三次的禱告而被人扔進獅子坑中,他不但失業,更將喪命!但神卻堵住了獅子的口,當王在第二天來到獅子坑察看的時候,他大聲呼叫但以理說:「 永生 神的僕人但以理阿、你所常事奉的 神能救你脫離獅子麼?」(但以理書 6:20)但以理回答說:「 我的 神差遣使者、封住獅子的口、叫獅子不傷我、因我在 神面前無辜、我在王面前也沒有行過虧損的事。」(但以理書 6:22)但以理不但平安無事,而且「王下令、人就把那些控告但以理的人、連他們的妻子兒女都帶來、扔在獅子坑中。他們還沒有到坑底、獅子就抓住他們、咬碎他們的骨頭。」(但以理書 6:24 )這就是當年惡人陷害義人的報應與結局,可惜在歷世歷代中,抵擋神的人並沒有從歷史中學到任何的教訓。
除了但以理以外,還有無數的猶太先知們都因信仰的緣故而被殺害!甚至連神的兒子耶穌基督,也是被一群充滿忌妒心的猶太領袖們所殺害,他們雖然都是相信神,但是卻不能夠接受耶穌基督對他們的驕傲所發出的指責,當群眾都跟隨耶穌基督的時候,他們更擔心自己的權柄與地位受到威脅,於是利用羅馬帝國的政治力量把耶穌釘死在十字架上,他們以為從此消除了一個「宗教仇敵」,又因討好羅馬的高官而謀求政治上的利益。他們卻沒有想到耶穌的復活開啟了基督教會傳播全球的新世紀!後來耶穌受死的聖城在37年後遭受羅馬大軍的毀滅,猶太人被擄到各地為奴,而初期教會的信徒們也曾在羅馬的競技場上慘遭殺害,但是如今羅馬帝國早已經成為古蹟,信靠耶穌基督的信徒們則已遍及全球。由此可見,基督的愛與良善,和大能是無法阻擋的,因為惡者雖然稱霸一時,卻不能夠永遠掌權,神的公義必定彰顯,祂的審判必不延遲。各位親愛的朋友們,「當趁耶和華(神)可尋找的時候尋找祂、相近的時候求告祂。惡人當離棄自己的道路;不義的人當除掉自己的意念、歸向耶和華、耶和華(神)就必憐恤他;當歸向我們的 神、因為 神必廣行赦免。」(以賽亞書 55:6~7)
A Football Coach’s Public Prayer: Cost & Victory
by Admin · August 1, 2022
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
Credit: Elias Gayles | flickr.com/photos/elias_daniel/292872324
In the state of Washington, a high school football coach named Joe Kennedy made a promise to God in his prayer prior to a game in 2008, “I will pray after each game, whether winning or losing, to thank God for each teammate and letting me be a coach.” (https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/football-coach-joe-kennedy-prayer-sideline-fighting-game)His way of expressing his thanks to God is to walk to the center of the field at the conclusion of each game, to kneel down, and to utters a short thanksgiving prayer. For seven years since that promise, he has courageously expressed his personal testimony of his faith, and has received praise from the students and staff. However, the school district was alarmed and warned him that he could only pray on his own and was forbidden to lead the football players in corporate prayer. Later, an added restriction was implemented that forbade Kennedy praying in places where he would be seen by others. Eventually, during a football game in October of 2015, Kennedy was issued a final ultimatum—if he insisted on kneeling and praying in the center of the field when the game concluded, he would be forced to resign. However, Kennedy upheld his promise to God and prayed publicly at the game—thus ending his coaching career as the curtain fell on the football game.
His termination was not because of his inability to fulfill his work duties, nor was it a moral or legal transgression on his part. His prayer in a public space was an expression of his personal faith, causing no harm or loss to anyone. So why does a country that values freedom of speech and religion have a statute that prohibits educators from praying in public? Does that mean pastors and coaches must keep their religious beliefs as an undiscoverable secret? Once a student witnesses a public declaration of faith, would it be considered a serious offence? How can a simple word of prayer be punished with employment termination? Does that mean public prayers are only reserved for religious leaders or ceremonial gestures such as presidential inaugurations? Joe Kennedy paid a hefty price but he insisted on his testimony and stance on public prayer, as well as the belief of the Constitutional right to freedom of speech and religion. With the help of the First Liberty Institute, he brought the case to the local courts, and the case ascended to the Supreme Court, over the course of seven difficult years! On June 27, 2022, the Court decided in favor of Kennedy in a vote of 6 to 3, stating that his prayers on the field were an expression of his religious freedom, and Kennedy should not have been terminated. Though he lost his job, he at least won the legal battle and remains untarnished and innocent. His seven years of prayerful testimony earned him seven years of litigation and lawsuit. These fourteen years of endurance exemplify God’s glory and the victory of His follower’s faithful prayers!
In the Bible, there was a prophet named Daniel. Even though he was a high-ranking official, he still insisted on prostrating before God and praying three times a day. Later when this aroused the jealousies of his peers and tricked the king to order those who prayed to other gods be thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel continued his prayers and was thrown into the den — with his employment terminated and his life in grave danger! God sealed the lions’ mouths and when the king visited the second day, the king said to him, “When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?” (Daniel 6:20) but Daniel replied “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” (Daniel 6:22)” Not only was Daniel safe and unharmed, he said, “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” (Daniel 6:24) This illustrates what happens when the wicked are trying to harm the righteous, but rarely do people learn from the past.
Daniel was not the only Hebrew prophet who was persecuted for his faith. Even God’s only son Jesus Christ was framed by a group of jealous religious leaders. Though they were devout believers of God, they couldn’t tolerate being reprimanded and have their pride wounded. When crowds of people began to follow Jesus, these religious leaders were worried about their loss of status and authority. By aligning with the Roman Empire they hoped to use this alliance to rid of a so-called “religious threat”. Jesus’ resurrection has birthed a new century of global evangelism. Though Jerusalem was destroyed in 37 AD, the mighty Roman Empire has faded in its glory, Jesus’ followers have reached all corners of the world. It is evident that God’s love and charity is unstoppable. Though the wicked might appear to be the victor, God’s justice prevails and his judgement will not delay. Dear friends, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” (Isaiah 55:6-7)
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · July 1, 2022
最近在美國槍擊事件頻繁,「控槍」問題又成為政客們激烈爭論的議題。美國是一個在現今世界大國中人人崇尚自由的國家,歷年來都吸引著無數的移民前往這個「美麗」的國家尋求自由的夢想,但是自由的條件是要「付出代價」與「自我克制」的,否則自由的理想就會被仇恨、暴力、搶劫與兇殺等罪惡所破滅! 由於人性與生俱來的自私,充滿著各種墮落的慾望,所以在任何地區都會以「立法、司法與執法」來維持社會的秩序與安全,但是不守法的惡人總是會在魔鬼的影響下,使用致命性武器奪走人的平安與喜樂!
在美國南加州的一間華人教會,在2022年5月15日主日崇拜後,當信徒聚餐並與牧師合影留念之時,一位華人槍手突然向著群眾開槍,當時有一位醫生鄭達志(John Cheng)奮勇向前,捨命救人,在他身中數槍倒地之後,張宣信牧師(Pastor Billy Chang)趁槍手更換彈夾時,掄起椅子砸中槍手,信徒們也勇敢地將槍手制服,等待警察來臨,拯救了現場近百位的性命!這事件實在震驚了全世界的華人教會,因為這事並不是發生在落後的反華城市,也不是在反基督教的地區,偏偏是在以基督教文明立國的多元文化城市,是在科技先進又講求民主法治的國家,這位奪命槍手與捨命的醫生卻都是來自臺灣,彼此素不相識,到底是什麼力量在作祟而導致這場悲劇的發生呢?我們又當如何解讀這事件對我們人生的意義呢?
有人說:「武器不會殺人,只有人會殺人!」但是人又為什麼會持槍殺人呢?雖然子彈不長眼睛,但是它的眼睛卻是長在人的思想裏,是「殺人的意念」使用殺人的武器去殺人,只是從徒手殺人到槍炮殺人所造成的傷亡程度有很大的區別而已。無論有無致命的武器,我們都會問道:「為什麼人會有「殺人的意念」呢?」其實,殺人的動機無外乎「仇恨」、「忿怒」、「忌妒」、「戰爭」、「政治」、「謀利」、「保安」、「變態」、「遊戲」、「自殺」…等。自古以來,殺人的事情從無止息,但最可悲的是,到了現今高度科技文明的時代,殺人的頻率竟然有增無減,這也再一次證明了主耶穌基督對人類文明即將走到末路時的預言:「 民要攻打民、國要攻打國、多處必有地震、饑荒.這都是災難的起頭。」(馬可福音 13:8)主耶穌又指出人類一切兇殺的根源都是出自靈界的惡魔:「盜賊來、無非要偷竊、殺害、毀壞.我來了、是要叫羊〔或作人〕得生命、並且得的更豐盛。我是好牧人、好牧人為羊捨命。」(約翰福音 10:10 ~11)這話說明了「殺人的意念」是魔鬼播在人思想中的惡種,人若不能分辨,又克制不了情緒的衝動,就會造成「偷竊、殺害、毀壞」的惡果!主耶穌的話顯明了魔鬼的邪惡與人性的墮落,但是耶穌也指出了祂拯救世人的大愛,祂為了將豐盛的生命賜給我們,以自己的身體捨命犧牲,被罪人釘死在十字架上,而當時在世上最傷心的人莫過於耶穌的母親了,因為她看著「愛子」無辜的被定罪,被釘死在十字架上!然而,比她更傷心的是「天父」,因為是祂把耶穌送入了世界,揀選了慈愛的馬利亞成為耶穌的母親,完成養育的使命,最終天父還要看著這位「自己的獨生愛子」如同替罪羔羊一般地死去,成就了救恩,為了使世人因此而悔罪,歸向「天父」,得著永生!結果上帝並沒有使馬利亞絕望,因為耶穌終於在死後第三日復活,證明自己真是「神的兒子」!
這次「讓子彈飛」進華人教會的悲劇,是發生在兩位平日都不上教會的人身上,他們去教會的目的爲何竟有如此天地之別呢?一位是為了「奪命」,一位是為了代替父親而陪母親去教會的「愛子」,他絕對沒想到這次會是他人生中最後一次去教會聽道,然而他英勇的「捨命」,不但救了他的母親,也救了全教會的人!他的表現彰顯了上帝的獨生愛子耶穌基督在十字架上捨命犧牲的光輝!這光輝正引導我們將目光轉向耶穌基督的救恩,祂要從魔鬼的權勢中將我們的靈魂搶救出來。雖然魔鬼藉「奪命槍手」造成一時的恐懼與悲哀,卻永遠無法奪走神賜給人的愛與人對神的信心。鄭醫生的母親對兒子的哭泣正如同馬利亞對她的愛子耶穌的哭泣,願上帝安慰馬利亞的安慰也同樣地臨到鄭醫生的母親!同樣地,也願上帝的安慰臨到所有因槍手「奪命」而喪失子女的母親們!各位親愛朋友們,您是否看見了在一切悲劇之中仍然有「良善的光輝」照耀著黑暗的大地呢?您是否願意走出心靈的幽暗、脫離罪惡的捆綁而接受耶穌基督的救贖呢?您若願意的話,可以做以下的禱告:「天父上帝啊!我感謝祢的大愛,讓我從世界的困惑中看見耶穌基督的光輝,我願意誠心誠意地接受耶穌基督為我的救主, 赦免我一生的過犯,使我的靈魂得救,在今生享受豐盛的生命,在永世享受永生,我這樣誠心誠意的禱告,是奉主耶穌基督的名,阿們!」
Homicide vs Sacrifice
by Admin · July 1, 2022
Author: Timothy Tin
Translator: Mandy Kwan
Recently mass shootings in the US have increased dramatically. The issue of gun control became a hot political topic. The US is reputed to be one of the most powerful free nations in the world, attracting countless immigrants to seek the American dream and freedoms not available elsewhere. However, the price of freedom is hefty and comes with responsibility and self-control. Otherwise, the abuse of freedom will lead to hatred, violence, and theft. Due to the sinful nature of humankind and their inherent selfishness and lust, a society’s order is maintained by legislation, judicial, and executive powers. However, under Satan’s influence, those who defy the law will use weapons to usurp other people’s peace and lives.
On May 15, 2022, after worship service in a Chinese church in southern California, as parishioners gather for a meal and photos with the pastor, a Chinese gunman suddenly opened fire on the congregation. Among them was Dr. John Cheng, who rushed to subdue the gunman and prevent further violence, was shot several times and killed. While the gunman was reloading his weapon, Pastor Billy Chang threw a chair at the gunman and subsequently apprehended the gunman to prevent further carnage. This incident shocked many Chinese churches across the globe because this did not happen due to anti-Asian sentiment, or in places where Christians were persecuted, but ironically in a predominantly Christian, democratic, and urban melting pot setting. Both the gunman and the heroic doctor were from Taiwan, but strangers to each other. How do you explain the reason behind this tragedy?
It has been said that “guns do not kill, it’s the person holding the weapon that kills”. But why would a human being use a weapon to cause harm to another person? The motive that drives these destructions are hatred, anger, jealousy, politics, greed, etc. Murders and killings have long occurred in the history of mankind, tragically. As we approach the present day with many technological advances, the rate of homicides has increased; this proves one of Jesus’ prophecies about the nearing of the end times: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” (Mark 13:8) Jesus also pointed out the roots of destruction come from Satan: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10-11). This explains how Satan plants the seed of destruction in people’s minds, and ultimately reaps fruits of malice, covetousness, and murder. Jesus’s words pointed out the depravity of mankind, yet he offers a sacrificial love on the cross. Imagine the sadness of Jesus’ mother as she witnessed her son’s punishment and death! Or the grief of the Heavenly Father, who offered his son Jesus as a sacrifice, taking upon himself the punishment of all the sins in the world.
In the shooting tragedy of the Chinese church in SoCal, one can see the contrast between the man who murdered, and another man who saved his own mother and other worshippers. Dr. Cheng embodied the sacrificial spirit of Jesus. Do you see the parallel between the weeping mother of Dr. Cheng and the cries of Mary when she saw Jesus on the cross. Even in the midst of tragedy we still see the spirit of kindness shedding light on this fallen world. If you wish to accept Jesus, say the prayer in your heart: “Lord, I thank you for revealing to us the glory of God in the midst of troubles. I am willing to accept Jesus as my Savior. Save my soul, and help me live an abundant life in eternity.”
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · May 1, 2022
正當全球目睹著俄烏戰爭爆發之後,每日都上演著可怕的悲劇時,與烏克蘭接壤的波蘭,其「波蘭副總理兼國家安全防務委員會主席卡臣斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)接受德國周日世界報訪問時說,波蘭準備好在境內部署美國核武。」(世界新聞網 https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121468/6213036)而在亞洲,日本也似乎忘記了七十七年前原子彈對廣島與長崎所造成的惡果,「在自民黨內,鑒於俄羅斯進攻烏克蘭,前首相安倍晉三曾呼籲討論核共享政策。圍繞歷屆政府堅持的「不持有、不製造、不運進核武器」的無核三原則,政務調查會長高市早苗則對其中的「不運進」原則,表態稱在突發事態之際應該允許有例外。」言下之意就是要謀求美國將核武「運進」日本!為什麼這兩個東、西方的國家會突然提出增進核武的計劃呢?這都是由於俄羅斯總統普亭於今年2月27日下令俄軍核威懾部隊進入特殊戰備狀態,以回應北約的「挑釁」以及西方國家的「非法制裁」。美國核戰略研究學者克里斯藤森(Hans Kristensen)擔心:「隨著普亭提升戰備級別,俄軍有可能讓戰略轟炸機也進入戰備狀態,或者派出更多的戰略核潛艇,這些措施很有可能遭致美軍的對等回應,『這有可能引發令人擔憂的局勢升級,從而誘發潛在的危機。』(https://www.thenewslens.com/article/163393)這危機是否可能進一步引發全球核武的擴散,最終導致無法避免的核爆大災難呢!
聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯在今年一月份「不擴散核武器條約締約國第十次審議大會」前說:「1945年核武器毀滅了廣島和長崎以來,核武器再未被使用過,其中有運氣的成分,也有決斷正確的因素。不過,在世界擁有1萬3千多件核武器的情況下,人類的運氣還能維持多久呢?COVID-19疫情讓人們對小概率事件的災難性影響有了新的認識。……今天,一些核武器國之間的關係充滿不信任與競爭,對話幾乎蕩然無存,透明度正在減弱,隨著一些國家的安全戰略設想到新的使用核武器情景,對核武器的重視程度正在上升。與此同時,由於技術進步,加上網絡空間及外層空間這些新競爭領域的出現,暴露出一些防禦弱點,推高了核升級的風險。我們缺乏應對此類動態的國際框架和工具。今天的多極全球秩序意味著帶有核色彩的地區危機可能使別的核武器國捲入其中。核武器現狀就像一個火藥桶,一次事故或誤判就可能將其點燃。」(https://www.un.org/sg/zh/node/261359) 其實早在1955年2月11日哲學家羅素Bertrand Russell 就曾寫信給愛因斯坦討論起草《科學家要求廢止戰爭》的文件,後來稱為:「羅素-愛因斯坦宣言」(Russell–Einstein Manifesto)這份於7月9日在倫敦公佈的宣言,簽字者包括11位著名的科學家,其中10人均為諾貝爾獎得主,只有利奧波德·英費爾德例外。但是科學家與智者們的呼聲卻不能夠喚醒這個罪惡的世代!因為隱藏在靈界裏的魔鬼正日夜謀算著如何毀滅神所創造的世界。
聖經早在兩千年前就已經預言在人類的終局來臨之際,必將爆發一場末日的戰爭:「他們本是鬼魔的靈、施行奇事、出去到普天下眾王那裡、叫他們在 神全能者的大日聚集爭戰。」(啟示錄 16:14)論到人類歷史的終結說:「這世界、和其上的情慾、都要過去.惟獨遵行 神旨意的、是永遠常存。」(約翰壹書 2:17)「但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日天必大有響聲廢去、有形質的都要被烈火銷化、地和其上的物都要燒盡了。這一切既然都要如此銷化、你們為人該當怎樣聖潔、怎樣敬虔、切切仰望 神的日子來到.在那日天被火燒就銷化了、有形質的都要被烈火熔化。但我們照祂的應許、盼望新天新地、有義居在其中。」(彼得後書 3:10~13)各位親愛的朋友們,無論這世界的結局如何,我們終必面對神的審判,唯有那位和平之君耶穌基督才能夠拯救我們的靈魂進入永生,您是否願意在這動盪的世代中趁早接受耶穌基督的救恩呢?
Nuclear Threat & Endwar
by Admin · May 1, 2022
Timothy Tin
As the world witnesses the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine conflict, tragedies occur on a daily basis. The Polish vice prime minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski said during an interview with the German press that Poland is armed and prepared with American nuclear weapons. (https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121468/6213036) In Asia, Japan seemed to have forgotten the nuclear bombs that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki seventy-seven years ago. It has been established in the free world that nuclear weapons should not be in possession, nor in production, or to be transported. However, Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party member Takaichi Sanae suggests that this unprecedented exception can be made for the transport of nuclear energy between nations. She seems to suggest that Japan should get nuclear arms from the U.S. Why are these two nations suddenly discussing this? On February 27, Ladmir Putin of Russia flexed its military muscle in response to NATO’s stance in the west. Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project, states that as Russia ramps up its military prowess, Ukraine will in response step up in its military preparations. As the stakes rise on both sides, will a nuclear conflict be inescapable?
According to the UN’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty that was established on July 1, 1968, ratified on March 5, 1970, it states that “Considering the devastation that would be visited upon all mankind by a nuclear war and the consequent need to make every effort to avert the danger of such a war and to take measures to safeguard the security of peoples, believing that the proliferation of nuclear weapons would seriously enhance the danger of nuclear war…recalling the determination expressed by the Parties to the 1963 Treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water in its Preamble to seek to achieve the discontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons for all
time and to continue negotiations to this end”. This treaty requires all countries who signed to agree to stop the nuclear arms race, and not to share them with other countries who do not have nuclear arms. As stated in the treaty’s first article, “Each nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly; and not in any way to assist, encourage, or induce any non-nuclear-weapon state to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, or control over such weapons or explosive devices.” 176 nations around the world had signed this, with the exception of India, Pakistan, and Israel. However, that has not deterred different nations around the world from doing nuclear tests. In the twenty years since the treaty was signed, the number of nuclear tests are as follows: U.S. 1054 times ( prior to 1992), Russia 715 times (1990), France 210 times (1996), Britain (1991), China 45 times (1996), among the nations that did not sign: India 6 times (1998), Pakistan 6 times (1998), South Korea 6 times (2017), which brings the total to 2087 times. This is indicative of how the human race is moving towards self-destruction.
U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated in the tenth meeting of the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty in January 2022, “Through a combination of luck and judgement, nuclear weapons have not been used since they incinerated Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. But with more than 13,000 nuclear weapons held in arsenals around the world, how long can our luck hold? The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new awareness of the catastrophic impact of a low-probability event…Relationships between some countries that possess nuclear weapons are defined today by distrust and competition. Dialogues are largely absent. Transparency is waning and nuclear weapons are assuming greater importance as national security strategies find new contexts for their use. Meanwhile, technology advances and the emergence of new arenas of competition in cyber space and outer space have exposed vulnerabilities and increased the risk of nuclear escalation. We lack international frameworks and tools that can deal with these developments. And today’s multipolar global order means that regional crises with nuclear overtones threaten to draw in other nuclear-armed countries. The nuclear landscape is a tinderbox. One accident or miscalculation could set it alight.” https://www.un.org/sg/zh/node/26139) Back in Feb 11, 1955, a philosopher named Bertrand Russell corresponded with Albert Einstein to discuss and draft a document titled “Scientists petition an end to wars”, which later became the Russell-Einstein Manifesto. Published on July 9th of the same year in London, it was signed by 11 world renowned scientists, among them 10 were Nobel prize winners. Even the voices of scientists and intellectuals cannot turn the world away from hatred and conflict, because the power of darkness is beckoning and seeking to destroy God’s creation.
The Bible had already predicted the ultimate outcome of the human race two thousand years ago. “They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.” (Revelation 16:14) At the end of human history, “His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17) “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people would you choose to be? You need to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” (2 Peter 3:10-13) No matter how this world ends, we will stand before the God for His judgment, only Jesus the prince of peace can save our souls and give us eternal life. Are you willing to believe in God’s salvation during these tumultuous times?
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · April 1, 2022
由於網路媒體的抄作,真假新聞難以分辨,使人類所將面臨的危機與未來的大災難被蒙蔽起來,以致我們看不見許多殘酷與可怕的真相,而網民們所愛看見的畫面卻充斥著一段又一段由人為所編導的「戲劇」與「遊戲」!但聖經的預言卻是精準可畏的,耶穌曾預言末日即將來臨之時:「日月星辰要顯出異兆.地上的邦國也有困苦.因海中波浪的響聲、就慌慌不定.天勢都要震動.人想起那將要臨到世界的事、就都嚇得魂不附體。」(路加福音 21:25~26)如今全球出現氣候反常,各地爆發軍事衝突的危機已經「箭在弦上」!請留意聖經最早記載七十七的數字,是由亞當第七代孫子拉麥所說的:「若殺該隱、遭報七倍、殺拉麥、必遭報七十七倍。」(創世記 4:24)而當時亞當的另一個孫子以諾則預言說:「看哪、主帶著他的千萬聖者降臨,要在眾人身上行審判、證實那一切不敬虔的人、所妄行一切不敬虔的事、又證實不敬虔之罪人所說頂撞他的剛愎話。」(猶大 1:14~15)他所生的兒子名叫「瑪土撒拉」,也是一句末日的預言:「當他死的時候洪水就來了!」瑪土撒拉是聖經中壽命最長的人,他活到九百六十九歲,並且在他死後果然發生了一場洪水滅世的大災難!
在第一次世界大戰之後,隔了三個七年,爆發了第二次世界大戰,如今隔了七十七年,爆發了俄烏戰爭!一旦這場戰爭發生了任何一個「意外」,就將導致各地發生無止息的戰爭,所造成的核爆災難、經濟崩盤、饑荒、瘟疫等人禍,必造成全球性的大災難、使人類加速的滅絕!所不幸的是,人類總是有人不願意從歷史中吸取教訓,以致許多原本可以避免發生的事件卻不斷地重複發生!所以無所不知的上帝才會藉著聖經預言告訴喜愛智慧的人:「黑夜已深、白晝將近.我們就當脫去暗昧的行為、帶上光明的兵器。行事為人要端正、好像行在白晝.不可荒宴醉酒.不可好色邪蕩.不可爭競嫉妒。」(羅馬書 13:12~13)目前在這場戰爭中所遭受最大犧牲的是烏克蘭的難民與俄烏兩方死傷的軍人,他們在戰亂中正向我們發出生命的呼聲!聖經說:「當趁耶和華(神)可尋找的時候尋找祂、相近的時候求告祂。惡人當離棄自己的道路.不義的人當除掉自己的意念、歸向耶和華(神)、耶和華(神)就必憐恤他.當歸向我們的 神、因為神必廣行赦免。」(以賽亞書 55:6~7)各位親愛的朋友們!願您趁早在未來末日的災難尚未臨到之前,認識永生的神!否則將來到了神的審判臺前,後悔也來不及了!但願俄烏戰事能夠盡早結束,世界各國能以高度的智慧化解人為的衝突,好為人類帶來ㄧ段和平的日子!
Russia and Ukraine
by Admin · April 1, 2022
Timothy Tin
While the world is slowly recovering from the threat of the Omicron variant, on February 24, 2022, Russia suddenly invaded Ukraine!
A military attack initiated by President Putin, the largest military operation in Europe since WWII, is intended to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine. To demilitarize is prevent NATO’s eastward expansion, and to denazify is to seek revenge on Germany’s invasion of Russia 77 years ago, while Russia now claims that Ukraine still has Nazi sympathizers. Most western nations agree that Putin is overreaching with this military operation, but he insisted in preparing troops for this invasion, despite Ukrainians’ unfazed resistance. He even threatened with possible use of a nuclear weapon to prevent other nations’ interventions! Meanwhile Ukrainians pleaded for help and military support from other countries, causing many to wonder if this will be the beginning of WWIII?
It is hard to verify the accuracy and authenticity of overflowing news on the internet and social media. We are unable to know what is actually true or manipulated. But the Bible’s prophecies are true. In Luke 21:25-26 Jesus predicted the Day of Judgment: “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.” With the recent extreme climate changes and all the different military unrest, it is no surprise that this is a precursor to an unprecedented event! Pay attention to the Bible’s mention of the number 77, from Genesis 4:24 which recorded the seventh generation of Adam’s descendent “If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times…” Enoch, another descendant of Adam prophesied in Jude 1:14-15 “Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” Methuselah, Enoch’s son, is the longest living person in the Bible. He lived for 969 years and its name is a prophecy too “for upon his death the flood will come”. And indeed a flood happened when he died.
WWII erupted 21 (3×7) years after the first world war, and now 77 years after WWII, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is upon us! If this conflict ignites into a broader conflict or war, it will lead to devastation, famine, and displacement, this furthers the speed of the entire human race being wiped out. Unfortunately, we rarely tend to learn from lessons of the past, thus causing many tragedies to repeat. The omniscient Jesus stated in Romans 13:12-13 to tell those who are wise that “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy.” Who has made the most sacrifice in this war? The Ukrainian refugees and the wounded or dead soldiers from both nations. They are all crying out to us! The Bible says in Isaiah 55:6-7 “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts.”
Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” I hope that you will come to know the true God in the imminent coming of Judgement Day. Otherwise it will be too late when that day comes and you have not repented! We hope and pray that this war will cease and the nations will come together to resolve this conflict and bring about peace upon this world!
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA
by Admin · March 1, 2022
南太平洋東加王國的海底火山「洪加東加—洪加哈派」(Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai)在1月14、15日連續強烈噴發,據世界新聞網報導:「濃煙和火山灰一度直衝20公里,巨響之大連距離東加2383公里的紐西蘭都能聽見,從衛星畫面可見,巨量火山灰的噴發威力就像把小島東加全面覆蓋,隨後更引發1.2米高的海嘯警報。導致首都努瓜婁發部分地區被淹沒。」(https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/122661/6055830)我們從歷史中的記錄來看火山爆發的威力:「在1783年,冰島納基火山噴發導致歐洲1783年至1784年冬季氣候異常寒冷;1815年,印尼坦博拉火山噴發導致次年全球平均氣溫約下降0.4℃至0.7℃,北半球許多地區遭遇「無夏之年」;1991年,菲律賓皮納圖博火山噴發,數月後全球平均氣溫下降約0.5℃。」(世界新聞網)奧克蘭大學(University of Auckland)火山學者克羅寧(Shane Cronin)表示,這次東加的火山爆發可能是1991年菲律賓皮納土波火山(Pinatubo)爆發以來,30年來全球最大的火山爆發。(中時新聞網https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20220117002046-260408?chdtv)
在全球新冠病毒接近尾聲之際,突然發生了目前全球最大的火山爆發事件,這到底是大自然對人類文明發出什麼信息呢?這是「末世災難警鐘被敲響」的訊號!因為聖經曾經預言說:「列邦必像已燒的石灰、像已割的荊棘、在火中焚燒。」(以賽亞書 33:12 )人類還有可能將會面臨比以往更可怕的「火災」嗎?耶穌的門徒彼得曾在兩千年前預言說:「 但主的日子要像賊來到一樣.那日天必大有響聲廢去、有形質的都要被烈火銷化、地和其上的物都要燒盡了。這一切既然都要如此銷化,你們為人該當怎樣聖潔,怎樣敬虔,切切仰望神的日子來到。在那日,天被火燒就銷化了,有形質的都要被烈火鎔化。」(彼得後書 3:10-12)彼得所說的這段預言是否曾在歷史中發生過呢?
雖然龐貝古城遭遇了末日一般的毀滅,但是彼得的預言並非指著那一次的火山爆發,因為當時並沒有發生「有形質的都要被烈火銷化、地和其上的物都要燒盡了。」有人認為這種情景比較像是美國於1945年7月16日,在新墨西哥州的沙漠裡成功地進行了世界上第一顆原子彈試爆,當原子彈爆炸時,在小於百萬分之一秒的時間之內,將釋放出巨大的能量,使溫度上升至千萬度,壓力上升至幾十億大氣壓,一切物質都化為氣體,形成一團火球,從而產生衝擊波、光熱輻射、貫穿輻射、放射性污染和電磁脈衝等毀滅性的能量!雖然人類所製造的這個「大規模毀滅性武器」結束了第二次世界大戰,但是彼得的預言還要等到未來爆發更可怕的世界大戰時才會應驗,到那時所用的高科技毀滅性武器,不單是結束一場世界的戰爭,而是將會結束整個人類的歷史! 因此奉勸各位,當趁著現今這世界還享有一點點太平的時候,趕快相信救主耶穌基督,得著靈魂的拯救,當您有了永生的盼望,就不再懼怕未來所發生的任何天災人禍了!如果您願意接受耶穌基督的救恩,請做以下的禱告:『親愛的天父上帝,我現在願意相信祢的獨生子耶穌基督成為我的救主,願祢赦免我一切的過犯,賜給我永生,在可怕的末世災難來臨之前,拯救我的靈魂,我這樣誠心誠意的禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名。阿們!』
Tonga Eruption, a Sign of the End Time
by Admin · March 1, 2022
Timothy Tin
On January 14 and 15th, an underwater volcano in the South Pacific’s country Tonga named Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai erupted continuously. According to World Journal’s reporting: “Heavy smoke and ashes reached the height of 20 miles and the huge amount of lava completely engulfed the island of Tonga. In 1783, Iceland’s Mount Laki’s eruption led to a significant decline in the average temperature of that winter in Europe; in 1815, Indonesia’s Mount Tambora’s eruption caused the entire earth’s average temperature to drop 0.4 to 0.7 degrees Celsius. A volcanologist named Shane Cronin of University of Auckland claimed that the recent eruption in Tonga is probably the largest one recorded since the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in Philippines in 1991.” The menace of volcanoes throughout the history has been deadly.
As the pandemic nears its end, we are confronted with this event of such astronomical proportions. What sort of message is mother nature trying to tell us? This is definitely a sign of the end time! In Isaiah 33:12, it states “The peoples will be burned to ashes; like cut thornbushes, they will be set ablaze.” Is it possible that humans will face even deadlier disasters? Even Jesus’ disciple Peter had prophesied two thousand years ago, “…The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.…That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.” (2 Peter 3:10 to 12) Has Peter’s prophecy taken place during the course of history?
At 1 pm, on August 24th of 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius of Pompeii, Italy suddenly erupted, the rush of the volcano’s magma completely buried the prosperous and thriving city of Pompeii, causing many casualties to become permanent plaster casts. It was not until the 18th century when they were first discovered, thus began a systematic excavation by archeologists who unearthed many artifacts that revealed Pompeii to be a society of advanced culture. “Pompeii was built in the 6th century BC, a city resided at the foothills of Mount Vesuvius, an idyllic location boasted of a population exceeding 250,000; it was the second-largest city in Ancient Rome, and was considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest and attractive cities.” It was a city full of prostitution, with 25 brothels and 100 pubs, causing a moral decline in the city that is shrouded in sin. “The people in Pompeii lived in such unrestrained amid undisciplined environment, that Christian scholars later would note that there were seven sins found in Pompeii: violence, abuse, greed, gluttony, indifference, lust, and pride, which led to the wrath and judgment of God.”
Even though Pompeii experienced a wipeout like the end time, but Peter’s prophecy was not referring to that eruption, because what was described did not happen: “… the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt…”. What Peter described resembled what happened in New Mexico of the US on July 16, 1945, when the first atomic bomb in the world was launched successfully. When it detonates, in a millionth of a second, an astronomical amount of energy is released causing the temperature to rise to ten million degrees, with an atmospheric pressure of ten billion pascals, any matter would become gaseous and transform into a gigantic fireball that emits radiation and total destruction! Even though this human invention had ended WWII, Peter’s prophecy perhaps will be fulfilled in a future atomic bomb’s detonation. Perhaps by then, the technology would be so advanced that its power can eradicate the entire earth! So while we are still at a relatively peaceful time, don’t delay in accepting Jesus and receive salvation of your soul. When you have hope for the future, you will not fear what disasters will lie ahead! If you wish to believe in Jesus, please do this prayer:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I desire to trust Your begotten Son Jesus Christ as my savior. Please forgive all of my sins and grant me eternal life so I can be saved before the disasters of the end time comes. I pray this in Jesus’s name. Amen.”
Author: Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, CA